
Well, that escalated quickly. I was just pointing out misinformation, I never said that I'm not satisfied. Melee came out about two years after the first smash, and that was amazing. And for the record, I couldn't care less about call of duty. So... try to relax, maybe?

This is from an article in 2011:
Lead developer Masahiro Sakurai has stated development on the game had not begun at the time of its announcement, and began after the completion of Sakurai's other project, Kid Icarus: Uprising, in March 2012.

That's not accurate at all. When it was announced at E3, Sakurai had no idea if he was even coming back as game director or whatever his position was. The game was a surprise to even him.

I mean, I can't tell the difference between 60 and 120, so I guess I'm a casual?

I mean, I can't tell the difference between 60 and 120, so I guess I'm a casual?

60 FPS, you say? That makes me really consider the thing.

If you could play zombi U you would know the potential of the gamepad. That Nintendo doesn't do more with it is a shame, because it can be majorly innovative.

Aww, shoot. Thanks. ;)

Dude, honestly, you sound foolish. The last of us came out 7 years after the release of the ps3. Of course games that are 1 year into the cycle of a brand new console don't look as good. It'll get there. Hell, look at the trailer for X and you can see the progress there. Don't be naive or blindly hating. And with

That last episode of KLK was a little... Underwhelming. I hope it picks up.

You need to Sexpand your horizons..... I'll walk myself out.

He was replaced with lucario, true. I think that's why sheik will stay though, cause they could've totally swapped her for Brawl, yet they kept her. I read the other comment about maybe putting Impa, but that would be even more irrelevant, and she has a very unique fighting style, so I really don't know who'd they

Umm... Your mobile site page is broken. Also, "Sexpand?" I lol

I don't care about Smash at tourney levels, but it's foolish to think that a fan service game, which you mentioned, would forgo a fan favorite, Sheik being that at this point. Regardless, I see sheik coming back.

...and? In the smash games, she's essentially top tier, competitively anyway, so her inclusion is anything but irrelevant. Many a fans would be upset if she's not in the game, regardless if she hasn't been featured in a Zelda game since OOT.

Sheik isn't relevant? Do you keep up with smash competitively?

One can only hope. :)

I sincerely hope the game is as polished as Brawl was, if not more, but retains some of the more... "Competitive" aspects of melee.

What do you mean by "Marth letdown?" Curious, I've barely kept up with the daily updates on SSBU.

You know how I know that you're pulling at straws? Cause the ps3 is most definitely not the more powerful hardware. Unless I can somehow pause the game on my ps3, go to the shop, buy a game, put it to download in the background, and go back to playing the game without quitting out of the first game. Oh snap. I can't