
Indy in KH3, confirmed!

I have played neither. :( And I agree, it's a scary thought.

I can understand that. As long as we get at least 1 killer pirate game, I'll be happy with it. Frankly, we don't get many pirate games as it is. Also, Ezio was totally ran to the ground.

Thing is.... That gameplay is top notch. Being a pirate is seriously super fun.

What a tease. I sincerely thought it was gonna be a new fighter just by looking at the picture.

I believe it's the Besaid Aurochs theme, which for the HD version got remastered to sound more natural.

Well, that was nearly 13 years ago. I was but a wee... 13 year old. :3

Right in the nostalgia FEEL. Honestly, I have a special place in my heart for X/X-2. :)

The game is definitely not easy, so I switched to Easy as well. Stopped at the beginning of act 3, need to really get back to it.


You ain't lying.

The games aren't as bad as you'd think. Just to give you some insight, when buying my Wii U Zelda bundle, the download for Wind Waker was only 1.7 gbs. I can imagine Pokemon or Zelda Link between worlds being far less.

I disagree. As a father of two, I see the 2DS as the perfect handheld for kids. No 3D, better grips, doesn't have to be closed, meaning it won't have damaged hinges from kids being kids at times, and it's cheaper. It has nothing to do about affording a 3DS or not. If it does indeed come down to that particular facet,

Combat is still essentially the same, the AI seemed smarter to me. A lot of times when in DS1 enemies would just kinda stay put after blocking attacks, in DS2, they would jump back right after then go into an attack pattern. There were also some big guys that would attack to their front, and when I would go around

That's interesting, I played the beta, and I couldn't even get to any boss, and I consider myself a Souls pro. Been playing since demons first released. Though I took part in the second(?) Network test, and the last hour they spiked up the difficulty, so our experiences may vary. I'm actually more stoked than before

I concur with Ninja. It definitely looks and performs better than its last gen counterparts, but it's missing quite a bunch of effects.

That is correct. Forgot about that one. :3

I'd recommend picking up Super Metroid and the prime trilogy. Essentially, she was raised by the Chozo, or rather remnants of them, before they were wiped out. Whenever she runs into one of their statues, they always have an upgrade. That's the gist of it, from what I recall anyway.

That brawl in the family was.... So nice. THE FEEELS.