You do a great job posting both sides of the debate. Definitely an article to be recommended to others. I don't get why Kotaku gets shit on the other forums I go to.
You do a great job posting both sides of the debate. Definitely an article to be recommended to others. I don't get why Kotaku gets shit on the other forums I go to.
Mega Man Legends was for PS1 not N64. I remember playing and beating it within like 4 hours and was sad.
Please quote for me the part where I "tout the academic weight" of The Bell Curve. I could swear my complaint had to do with how the criticism was presented, not that the book itself didn't deserve criticism. But then, who am I to say what I believe when you're doing such a good job at it.
An apologist? I haven't read either book. I simply pointed out that her criticism of said book implies it's wrong only because of the moral character of the results, rather than the scientific merit of it's methodologies. If you don't understand why I find this an issue then you don't know much about how science…
It's strange how any slight criticism of an article tends to bring out the trolls.
Enough for the vast majority of science/scientists to put it's weight behind your notions? I'm not sure that the scientific world is as one-sided on this subject as you imply.
A great review! Though I think your references to The Bell Curve are ill advised. You can't dismiss a scientific theory just because you find it's conclusions immoral. This is what the religious do when they dismiss evolution or the earth's age. It appears this is what you're doing as well, so perhaps more nuance…
What would you say are your top 5 sci-fi films?
The round trip plane tickets alone probably cost her $4500 for the three of you, not including anything you'd actually do while in Europe, like the apartment, food, events, car rental, etc. I would suspect that vast majority of single mothers with two children do not have 6+ thousand in disposable vacation income per…
I think it mostly has to do with the market structure of iOS vs Android. iOS only runs on the handful of phones that Apple themselves release so devs have an easy time writing software that they know will work on every iOS device, and work well. Since Android is spread across so many phone with different specs…
Pushing for videogame age-restriction laws is not the same as claiming playing violent videogames makes you kill people or will destroy civilization. Please recognize the difference.
The video included has clips from both CNN and MSNBC (Scarborough) in it. So your criticism is invalid to begin with. Also, your link is to what a Governor said, not to what a liberal news network pundit said. Also, CNN is not democratic, it is if anything neutral, which demonstrates your lack of perspective on…
" I live in a nice house. I have two cars. My son goes to a nice school. We take one holiday a year. By anybody's measure, you wouldn't call me wealthy."
I use the Auto-Motion all the time for videogames, and I find it really strange you think Uncharted or other games look unnatural when appearing at higher framerates... just, strange. Playing Uncharteds and Killzones is great with it on since it fakes a 60fps pretty well. I enjoy a clear image.
A thief will always make the case that thieving is beneficial.
Could you give me the part in the book that says this? I just read it a few months ago and the only part I remember discussing a curvature was in long hallways, not in the dorm. Having such a deeply curved dorm seem illogical if we're talking about a vast space station.
The slide of "values" that lists "fun" is groan worthy. Such generic PR tripe from a high level studio is depressing.
I think the solution to the Vita is long past - Sony should've made a handheld that was priced out of the gate a $200 and included some kind of onboard memory with some throwaway digital games included (angry birds? Super Stardust?). The specs should've been lower in order to turn profit, but I wonder how much they…
Please tell me you can control the game camera for metroid/zelda with a thumb stick instead of having to stand up and spin in circles with the controller. I don't have swivel chairs in my living room.
You aren't helping Kotaku stay out of politics by making political comments on Kotaku.