
Having dealt with a celebrity’s security attempting to shove me out of the way at an airport, I welcome this extravagance whole-heartedly. The way I see it, they’re paying money to stay the fuck out of my way. As for the “2200 steps vs. 70 step”s bit, you never had to sprint through JFK (aka Satan’s arcade) to reach a

When keeping it understeer goes wrong

I assumed the NFL was allowing Trump to announce picks when I read the line about an orangutan.

A Mustang...being chased by a Wrangler....

Unfortunately, immediately after the video cuts off, he was killed by the Mustang.

If you drive an EV, and don’t pay a higher registration fee/whatever, then you are getting a “free ride” on those roads maintained using excise taxes on gasoline.

Not for nothing, but I find it incredibly ironic how much all of the Hillary supporters, who constantly howled about these so-called “purity tests” by Sanders supporters (which was just one bullshit claim in a long line of bullshit claims) are now laying Sanders open because he suddenly isn’t “pure” enough.

Mandibles of Survival

Imagine having a royal family. I mean it’s so fucking bonkers.
Govt employees whose job title is to be posh.

The driver in the car..... “WHAT THE FUCK YOU FILMING IN PORTRAIT FOR”

So much hype around the Dodge Demon and yet this Nissan Maxima is clearly a hell of a drag racer.

It’s so weird to me how cops just started doing stuff like this since cell phones with video cameras became so common place. You’d think they would have been up to these same shenanigans before, but the outcomes of so many internal investigations into such reports made it clear that witnesses and alleged victims were

Unfortunately, he learned his negotiation skills from Trump University. Sad!

**CLICKBAIT ALERT**Car that’s for sale everywhere outsells car that’s not. News at 11!

Since this happened in Kansas, I feel compelled to say “carry on, my wayward son”.

No. It was guns. The Regressive Party needed some primary voter bait for the April elections and all the incumbents wanted to prove that they how pro-gun they were. But thanks for playing.

And apparently not even utilize it without buying a special module from Dodge.

I’m glad that “the resistance” includes anyone with a brain, a conscience and some semblance of logical reasoning.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?