
I doubt the CIA would do this (at least to any normal person) but hacking is a possibility no matter how small.

I wanted a smartphone for years before they came out, used a Palm Pilot and Handspring devices in the late 90s at early 2000s. Even downloaded and modified scripts to scrape websites for news stories and find movie times on the go. Going out with friends in 2001 and having the same access to movies in your hand as we

Came to post this. It’s sort of touched on in the quotes, but the reason they instituted the test in the first place was because if a car crosses the Center line, this small overlap type of crash is very likely and that’s why they concentrated on drivers side first.

Yeah, my MINI had the battery in the trunk and had an explosive cut off for the battery cable. If the airbags went off, it would cut the power and need to be replaced. Seems like the same thing would work here.

Except his dumb fuck voters actually beleive him when he says this crap. They’ve been trained for years that everyone is “suffering under Obamacare” and he still playing right into that.

We take my wife’s JKU back and forth to Knoxville from Raleigh a couple times a year at least, usually more, and drive it through the mountains on I-40 at 75-80 mph all the time. This is usually with the hard top fully on, but we’ve done it with the twomfront panels out and windows down too.

MLS definitely has a hard on for downtown stadiums. Raleigh is bidding for a MLS expansion team and in spite of there being a well sited stadium for the entire area that currently has the NC Football Club (a level down from MLS) and is getting ready to be connected to a huge mixed use development on one side and

Dude, you just don’t understand how modern cars work.

I want to say it wasn’t the rail, but the end caps that were bad so they didn’t cause the rail to bend out of the way and you would get this exact situation.

No, they love each other very much and practiced abstinence before marriage! That’s the only way it works! ;)

I’ve heard Papaya POTUS and thought it was funny.

The person who made the stuff (it’s rock candy) for the show sells it in ABQ. My wife bought a few small packs when she was there for gag gifts and such.

My wife was there 3 or 4 years ago on business and took an afternoon with a work friend to see some of the various locations. They did take a picture of the Walter White house, but it was during a weekday, they parked legally on the other street, took it from the sidewalk and left. That people would go on their

I see lots of hate, but I really like the looks of the thing. Especially if you click the link where they show more views. You can mostly ignore the side view sketch above (which I agree is hideous) as that’s a general schematic the Postal Service drew up to go with the bid materials to show their required

The problem is maintenance. If they have every random vehicle in the world, there is no way to standardize training and keep everything consistently maintained.

I’ve done several half marathons, but would never put a 13.1 sticker on my car or even a 26.2 one, but if I ever did a FULL Ironman distance triathlon I would have to consider a small tattoo. Say what you want, but that is absolutely bad ass and not something many people can ever accomplish.

I am from the south and went to cotillion for two years. The “correct” and “polite” way is to grab whatever plate is in front of you, offer some to the person immediately to your left, have some yourself and then pass to the right.

Also a former MINI (R53) owner and I agree. The ECU in those cars could pick up some pretty shitty adaptations not being driven hard. Luckily, I had the supercharger to sing to me and encourage getting on it. Third gear at say 5500 RPM and step all the way down was a beautiful sound and feeling.

That Hellcat sure sounded nicer though!

Love the touch of the photo shown above where Pence was wearing a blue polo and his wife a 50 jersey being supposedly from yesterday when she was actually wearing an 18 and Pence a suit, per other photos. Oh yeah, he also tweeted the first photo originally in like 2013. Can’t even get their planned stunt right.