Damn I wasn’t even looking for a track day car and I feel like this is such a bargain I can’t afford NOT to buy one!
Damn I wasn’t even looking for a track day car and I feel like this is such a bargain I can’t afford NOT to buy one!
I LOLed at that.
I wouldn’t be shocked if he sticks to this only because of the number of idiot ultra right congress people who seem to beleive this was Obama personally trying to “ruin the economy”.
This is wrong. The alt right sucks and most dumb ass trump voters suck, but denying them free speech is wrong.
One of my wife’s Uncles by marriage said he was one of the soldiers they used in one or more of these tests. He had the license plate BOMBVET and said he had a special pension because of it. He was hard to pin down really so everyone in her family was a little bit skeptical of some of the stuff he said, but according…
Yep. Some people just don’t get it. A freind who is very educated and smart, working for a large networking company almost got taken by a Craigslist send extra money on a fake cashiers check scam. She was so convinced it was no problem. I told her let’s just set $100 on fire and then you’d still have another $1500…
So, say, 20 years ago, people were just Willy-Nilly bringing guns on aircraft and no one caught them? Please. Guns are easy. It’s the other stuff they is and all these ridiculous rules won’t help them catch.
What’s crazy is I’ve seen videos of people intentionally putting their faces in the exhaust while someone rolls coal on them and getting their faces blackened. WTF is wrong with people?
Don’t need to “spin” an article against Trump. He’s a dumb ass.
That Dakar Yellow one is giving me the VAPORS! I need some smelling salts over here.
On behalf of the progressive voters of NC, welcome to the club of dumbassery by elected officials. Except yours saw what happened here (and is still happening somewhat since they only somewhat repealed HB2) and they said, yeah let’s get some of that!
Probably anything not like the lab test they rigged the ECU to give better results on.
Trump is a dick and any person would be wise to practice “shaking hands” with him. And some have, just see what Trudeau did when Trump tried his signature move on him. It makes her and her advisors smart.
You know there’s a reason why in most car chase scenes from movies, the pavement is wet but the sun is out.
That and they’re also dumb fucks.
Chase Carey is a TV guy. He has a few clues on what people want to see.
Until they find a way to hack them. And also, just possibly, since mowing people down is probably against the law already, breaking another law by putting an illegal car on the road might not be much of a deterrent.
I doubt he wants to end the world, but I wouldn’t be shocked if he didn’t fully think through the consequences of an action. Still doubt he would launch a first strike though.
Exactly. I didn’t have much hope, but did have a little that he would actually change from his campaign mode to a more presidential, governing mode. Hell, he’s gotten way worse!