
I have noticed that Nissan knows how to make a good sounding V6. The 370 and the g series Infinity coupes come to mind.

If they even pretend to give a damn about being able to see the turn signal at the rear why the hell are amber turn signals and separate brake lights not a requirement?

Real comedians know they can really only make jokes like that around other comedians, not the general public.

That’s the way mine was. Probably drove 2 miles at most. Didn’t even have to parallel park.

The Unaffiliated party? When is their convention?

Yeah it’s just too bad NYT sat on this Russia stuff prior to the election.

Dude, I was a registered republican until a couple years ago, now unaffiliated. I voted MCain and Romney and handed out republican voter guides at a polling place at 7:00 am on Election Day 2008. But, I have a functioning brain so I can tell when one candidate, who I may have lots of reasons not to like, is still way

You have to choose because not voting for the lesser of two evils in this specific case of US president, with the system the way it is, is a de facto vote for the other candidate, that is more evil, being clearly compromised by Russia and also being a totally inept loser who plays a winner on TV.

It pained me to vote Hillary, but she was clearly the lesser of two evils and you’re a blind idiot not to see that and a total asshole who helped fuck us all by not voting for a real candidate. You, as much as every dipshit coal jobs hillbilly, are responsible for whatever happens.

In 1986, I had to have a 4.5 week course in school that ran a whole period and then 6 hours driving and 6 hours riding while another student drove.

Oh I know they were mad, but just reading about it is different from living it. ;)

My wife and I were talking about this yesterday. Some of the mythology around Kennedy is the CIA had him killed. Always seemed preposterous to us. Now...

But his dick is yuuuuggeee!

If that right there wasn’t enough to keep him from being elected, we ARE lost.

Damn all they had to do was just increase the points for winning a race. Bam, problem solved!

Yeah, I understand if they didn’t do much to the external parts of the body, but damn, they had the engine out and everything that goes with it and they couldn’t deal with the surface rust in the engine compartment while they were at it?

They evidently believe the opposite. Idiots. Make changes, ratings drop. Hmm, maybe we need more changes to take the sport further away from when it had good ratings!

Makes me wonder, what does the press secretary get paid?

Your father is a smart man. My father in law, who still has pieces of shrapnel in his leg from Vietnam, hated Hillary so damn much that he was blinded to just how terrible Trump is.

It would all depend on exactly where he hit, but unless that Jeep had an upgraded bar, the area above the passenger and driver is wide open and the bike could easily come right down in there. Would have been a bad day for all involved.