
Before you climb down off the high horse, maybe read about the Apollo program where 3 guys died in a pad test. Different fuck up, but dead none the less. Then read people like Chris Craft, who ran the damn program, who said that we only barely got to the moon and we did it with accepting levels of risk that would

That’s probably exactly what it is. Some places all you need is a code so the right department or job is charged for it and others, like auto mechanics have to pay for their tools so they pay it directly.

Either that or it’s the weight of the blade and custom trailer. I was skeptical too, mostly that it wouldn’t flip over, so I watched it, but they only cite the 9.7 tons as the tractor (this seems like an advertisement for the tractor if you get to the later stages). There are large weights on the trailer and that

I was going to say, if they knew early on they could go ahead and start applying Cheetos scraps to his skin daily to give him the orange tone that everyone with small hands and a “perfectly good sized” Johnson needs.

The person in the green Ford Escape just sitting there was kind of weird. Maybe they were dazed, but get the heck out of your vehicle and off the side of the road in case more cars crash into you.

Yeah that was hilarious. There’s quite a range of strength changes in most materials between room temp and a puddle on the floor and he should know that was well as anyone.

Could well be and would make sense. I’ve been out of school a bit more than 6 years (maybe 3 times that :o) so, I’m not down on the history. Just see it out there sometimes.

This reminds me there is a guy who brings one of these to tailgate at NC State University football games. It's a pretty hilarious amount of overkill.

Interestingly, the person I was talking about eventually posted something they found saying that the Supreme Court decided the USOC was not an agent of the state so the point is moot. But it was taken all the way to the supremes so it wasn’t a crazy argument it turns out.

I did see someone who’s usually pretty informed and reasonable on Twitter last night say not to discount the first amendment thing out of hand since the soccer governing bodies are not typical private companies. They’re chartered representatives of the US.

Most buses don't have cloth seats tho!

They couldn’t embroider the Athlete’s names on the bags? I mean, all the trials are done at least a month prior to the Olympics starting. Surely someone was up to the task given the machines to do it are fast and easy enough to use that high school kids in mall kiosks do it.

I know it is in the manual, but this is a prefect example of how Tesla talks out of both sides on this. Marketing materials don't mention that it's only supposed to be used on certain roads or that you have to be ready to take over at any time.

Lots of these kids do act like overprivileged punks, but at least this guy has some kind of axe to grind. I’d be a little mad that they is spelled my name more than attending the BBQ personally. Just ask Brice Pearl, it’s hard to keep track of who is at those things.

Seeing the other pictures, I'm pretty sure the house to the left, the well kept one is a different property (probably the guy that complained)

Or both sides if the architect is an MC Escher fan!

I was talking to my wife during the events and was realizing just how many various measurements and markings were on a track. I'm sure it could be just slightly short and not noticeable in the shorter distance races.

I think it’s something to do with locking the knee in a straight position and one foot on the ground at all times.

Like is said in the other reply. I hit the wrong character on my iPad and didn’t realize it until the edit window was closed. The 2 and 3 are so close!

It’s a good ad. I’ll have to say I love the style of it. In case you haven’t figured it out, these are the same people behind the Poo Purri, Purple Mattress (oh my!) and Squatty Potty ads. I can honestly say they are definitely the only pre load ads I’ve ever actually searched out on YouTube to show someone else.