
He said the controllers are “very comfortable”

Wrong war, pal.

Never ever thought I would ever see a Battlefield review start with the words Matthew and MacConaughey. Well done.

Nintendo announces robotic puppy head! No, not really but it looks like that, lol

Hey, it could be worse. They could have called it the sWIItch.

This is pretty ridiculous. A lot of the times the creators of the fan games send us the games themselves, asking for coverage. Sometimes, the games are broadcast/publicized on platforms that have like ten times our traffic, and we cover them after they’ve made the rounds on the internet and therefore became ‘news’. I

...3.5 hours later

This post was too long. Get to the point already.

[clapping hands emoji]
[repeat 100x]

I am fed up with things taking so damn long. Everything takes too long! Hurry it up for chrissakes.

so fabolous


I just don’t even know anymore...

What we’re doing is comparing a display and control system to other already-released systems that aim to do the same thing. Kirk and I have both used the Vive and Rift displays as well as the Vive controllers. While the PSVR headset is the most comfortable of the three and offers a surprisingly wide field of view, it

Dude, what kind of idiot today doesn’t know the difference between they’re, there and their? Typo? You should have a violent reaction to such typos, inherently. Instinctively throw your computer screen down on the floor. Throw your laptop at that endangered albatross because it was asking for it flying that way. Flush

There’s a difference between criticism and harassment/threats though.

Match the performance, yes. Match the engineered size, not at home. For fun and budget, I’d keep building my own. However, if I had a six-figure job with little time to spare AND wanted to be able to tote a machine to a VR party, I’d buy this.

I have two polarizing responses, and I want to give people a chance to respond to one without endorsing or condeming the other. So this is the first of two posts.

yes it’s very helpful to have “BEST ANIME WAIFUS xXx” constantly on the front page of steam, super informative!

This list is missing 2 great games: