Adding Jason Schreier along with Patricia Hernandez as lazy click bait journalist that should be fired.
Adding Jason Schreier along with Patricia Hernandez as lazy click bait journalist that should be fired.
6. R
Wow, lazy journalism at it's best. Let's make a list and not even include flying your own ship or space battles. Nice.
"Ships are often depicted with their engines flaring, and that's completely unrealistic. Without air to cause drag, most of the time using your engines would be a huge waste of cash."
Wow, you must be really dumb. Space technology would be similar to Tesla, as in, infinite source of energy on a ship. Most your…
I'm playing a Titan (nobody cares)
I can't believe I was so into this, even though I haven't picked up Destiny yet, and then realized Patricia wrote this and I got suckered into click bait again. Dammit!
Danger, Mike Fahey! Danger!
Clearly not as good as the Lightning Returns Dog
As ranking number 2 in the world in the first Gears of War in execution, all I have to say is this is fucking retarded.
This is exactly what PayDay needs. Side note: I'm so excited for this mash-up.
Richard calling crap when he see's it. lol
This economic recession has made it harder than ever for people to get their feet under them.. and yet story after story about self starters on the internet making it to the big time dangle like carrots in front of our noses. But there is literally no mechanism to get the word out.. self promotion is seen as some sort…
If we're spending that much money just for a thinner laptop, chances are people are going for the best one. This review was pointless.
Because the name "Robin Williams" is a perfect fit for a character in every Zelda game. It's not completely out of place and unnecessary at all.
Damn well should be for $180. Avermedia Pro is like $80 cheaper and does exact same thing, no thanks.
I personally did not like the new Tomb Raider reboot because it completely deconstructed my image of Lara Croft. In the past she used to be a strong personality who raided tombs for a living, but now the new Lara Croft is simply a doe-eyed, weak-willed archaeologist who whines a lot and dies in horrible ways.
How is it evading the question? Either he doesn't know or Sony doesn't want him to say. Hardly his fault.
This is the worst kind of journalism. Making a big deal out of nothing just so you get people to click on such stupid information. No, it's not "TRULY UNFORTUNATE", it's fucking turtles jumping out of an exploding building, just like how there's one of those in pretty much every major Hollywood blockbuster in the last…
I would do that in a heartbeat.