
Seriously? I just wonder how is this original or interesting in any way? Cut like a movie trailer? Wow coooool.

WOW I'M SO EXCITED. If people only had the competence to put a release date!

I want to play this game stoned now. Reason enough to buy a WiiU. haha

I smiled when he died. I was so done with his bs story.

I just got a subscription to Crunchyroll because of all the Anime it has. I'll try these out, but I have to say. They don't look as interesting as the Spring Anime.

I'm sick of the same few areas I'm given. It's too hard to make a wonder by yourself, and I tend to run out of fucking water... By a lake. Yea, I'm sick of it until I'm given more options.

I'm buying the controller for my PC. So that way it's like getting an Xbox One when I'm playing TitanFall haha. Anyways, I don't need to wait for it to be "enabled", it's PC man, we make shit work.

PAY THEMSELVES? . It's called PAYING TO MAKE THE FILM. They don't pay themselves and just create something cus they're paid for it.

Now playing

Stop being such a stuck up fucking prick. It's FAIR USE under parody and non-profit. Ever heard of Dead Fantasy?

Out of all of Kotaku, I'm probably one of the big pro weed gamers here. And as much as I love bud, and saw this over a week ago, there's no place for it here in Kotaku*. It has nothing to do with gaming news... At all.

*Regarding the video.

65 million people smoke it in the US alone. Fuck off and go die in a alcohol accident.

They only did those for people they know, as in people that knew people in Nickelodeon. All a sham, but at least I got to get slimed on some stupid show. I forgot to taste it, I heard you should.

Wow, that's actually totally worth it. That's the best god damn exclusive ever.

look, more crap.

That's retarded. With all the sidequest, it's probably around a 33 hour game. Same length for the others. You must NEVER play multiplayer games, because on average people have DAYS into those. You're obviously not much of a gamer if it's the time you're worried about.

You obviously haven't seen the latest episode (17). That shit was insane.


O look, another ignorant idiot on Kotaku. What a surprise.

You, by far, are the worst of Kotaku. Seriously.