
Now now. No need to cause negativity friends. It's a game people love, that is all. Just love and you'll live better.

Negative opinions bother me. Especially when a series isn't finished. It's like reading a book half way and saying it doesn't live up to the potential. What a load of shit.

Guess I'm watching Evo again. Sometimes I really love how the internets can change shit. Yay for bitching.

These suggested Anime post are by far my favorite part of Kotaku. Keep up the great work, this stuff is really helpful. Seriously, I would of missed something as amazing as Magi if it wasn't for you. Thank you, dear god. Thank you.

Is there a point in the video we get a clear view of the ship? I just skipped through it and don't really notice anything.

I completely agree with Yoshida. Fuck MS and it's retard policies.

You people are lazy fucking journalist. Let's figure out how you started talking about this game. You saw it on PC gamer's TOP 10 shooters of all time and starting releasing articles the NEXT DAY. There are no coincidences. Sorry.

There goes my only reason to watch EVO. Fuck you Nintendo.

It's not too hard once you realize you just need to hit them in the red spot. I just hate mouse and keyboard controls.

Damn. Now I have to see this. I bet I'll enjoy it more than Kojima-san, since I'll be very, very stoned. c;

Here, I'll review it in 5 seconds.

It's easy to count how many stupid gamers there are from the amount of backers. I actually had a friend that got it! Surprise, he's kinda the idiot of the group. The Ouya is bullshit, and one of the worst ideas to ever go down in gaming history. Why?

I don't care how he puts it. That's irresponsible, and if it was anyone else, it'd be a media shit storm. Maybe he spent the rest of the money trying to get good publicity from Kotaku.

Kotaku is good at taking money from developers in order to promote their games. Hardly journalism at all, it's just another shit

I think his life is ruined enough, is there really a need to disgrace his name to the world? Just because he's a dev, I'm pretty sure a lot of other CP viewers never get this kind of attention. This is distasteful, and honestly, not your business to write about.

You're going to give him a heart attack with all the attention this idiot is getting.

Why would anyone bother trying a piece of shit. Let the retard mobs of idiots buy it, feel proud of yourself for being such a sophisticated audience. And we ALL know what the COD audience is made of.

I guess everyone is choosing to ignore the fact that MW3 was one of the worst, most boring COD's to date. It felt like playing those shitty Treyarch COD's when Treyarch started making COD.

Take your time Itagaki-san. Whatever he makes I buy... except the beach series... never cared for that...

I think you just weren't capable of comprehending The ending because it wasn't just some loophole he got through for dramatic effect. it's a lot more than that, and you're honestly just stupefying the series in my opinion.

I'd hardly call that "video game skills."