Gah.. What a wasted opportunity. He had the opportunity to call these guys out on how shit their game is, and yet he waste it with some of the stupidest points I've ever heard.
Gah.. What a wasted opportunity. He had the opportunity to call these guys out on how shit their game is, and yet he waste it with some of the stupidest points I've ever heard.
What in the world is absinthe? and what's it made of?
This is simple. The game was obviously showed on PC.
Looks like another reason for me to not play online. xD
That darn Shinta...
It's the amount of effort put into the graphics. It has nothing to do with the engines. UE4 is far better.
Exactly what I'm saying.
Too hard developing for PC? Stop developing games then. Period.
That happened a lot during the day time. But the best players usually came out around 12am pacific. Though we did have it happen occasionally.. I mostly just stuck to Raven Down 19 rounders lol.
Playing Ranked alone is defiantly a challenge. It puts you in much higher pressure situations. Your dead team ((or what's left of who hasn't left)) watching you as you're last alive. Being alone in gears and taking on a team, can be some of the best moments in gears. As long as it's not a level filled to the bring…
When you get to those modes. The locust tend to do a glitch run. "Rodey run" so they can shoot and run at the same time. They even do this in casual at times. It messes with strategy.
Let me give advice to Gears players wishing to be better at Gears of War Multiplayer. (Coming from a once number 7 player in the world in Gears 1.) Playing on casual is by far the best way to get better. Playing on Insane is completely unrealistic and stupid.
Am I really going to have to refresh this page non-stop? Lame..
Reminds me of the Final Fantasy devs. They're terrible at getting they're shit together, and work ethic is fucking terrible. Consider this long of a life cycle, for what may be a 15 hour game?
So far this is the worst E3 to date.. The best looking game I've seen was the South Park game.. Really hope Sony or Nintendo so something.. Nothing but disappointment. Respawn not showing anything.. MS failed to impress with Halo 4..
Are people really this uneducated? You're comparing it to CryEngine 3? I'm sorry, I don't believe people are really this ignorant. MS is paying you aren't they..
That's because they ARE boring. The only reason we keep buying them, is to get a glimpse on how good the first game of the series was. They keep promising it will be better, but it never is.
This is the time when I question Kotaku, Gametrailers, all of what they say. When they say something is incredible when they KNOW it's not. When they talk up a bad situation. This is when you see our media's true face. The one that grabs at money more than truth.
How bad I wish I would have bought Nintendo stock when they first announced this..
Here's a stupid idea that could only be well made on next gen consoles. But hey, we all know how they love em that money from those old consoles!