
Come on Itagaki. I know you're not lazy. But 5 years? That's a little sad.

Can't wait for the PC release..

Because EVERYONE has the internet these days. Even if they only buy the physical copy and expect nothing to go wrong! xD

All I hear about Diablo is the excuse Blizzard makes. People just pat them on the back saying, "No it's fine. They need time to polish."

Killing is the sweetest flavor ever known.. It tugs at us at our most primitive genes. Things like this promote how cool it is to murder. That lust drives you to play the game. The more the game allows us to fulfill that need, the happier we are to spend money on it.

A society that believes a number is unbelievable. Compared to happiness and self respect.

That deserves something 10x more glory than a star.

This is concerning. Why no attention Kotaku?

Almost every "prediction" hes made on Bonus Round, has never ever... come true. He pulls things from his ass, and when he states the obvious, everyone applauds him?

Someone know how to bold on this site?? Never done it in the years I've been here..

That's because Michael Pachter.. is an idiot... Have you seen him on BR? He makes the stupidest comments his little son probably made for him. That's why I don't watch his little show, because I was trying to not support it. Seems he just can't get shut up for me for some reason..

Look mom! An imbecile!

Now playing

Tumbleweed theory, BUSTED. I found this quickly.. Maybe Kotaku should have done more research. Busted at 8:25

Can anyone find the creepy thing and post it? The one in the multiplayer? Can't seem to find it.


Dude. It's xbox arcade. I'm sure MOST the games on their do something around this as well, and yet it's not informed. It's digital media, you're on your own to do your research. In a store, you walk up to associate for more knowledge on the product. There is none of that on Xbox Arcade, leaving you to be the sole

I see it as we're starting to only pay to PLAY the game.. And we never actually own anything we buy anymore.. I don't like the direction we're going.. And if we have to pirate to get our way. So be it. It won't stop until we own the game we actually buy. :/

False advertising? It's not false advertising at all. It has everything it says it does. If they bought the game just for co-op, they should have done their research. I'm not going to argue about how crappy the xbox 360 is, and that minecraft plays at such a low resolution, the reason why it cant do SD co-op is

"One of the best values in gaming"??? Are you serious? The thing probably cost $10 to make. I wouldn't even spend $50 on it new. People are good at getting ripped off by old technology..

I played this game for the first time a week ago.. Slowest most uninteresting game of my life.. I'm spoiled by Age of Empires.. Much much better game..