
It would of been nicer to see it if they didn't crap on Hitomi's face ._.

That's adorable. xD

Deleted?.... or uploaded...................

oo. I really hope they do the opening theme when it's finished. Greatest Minecraft video ever..

Why do they have.. Playboy..?

Saw that coming a mile away..

Why couldn't they put that much effort in making the 590 look better..? O well.. My 590 is fine, and seems as if it's only a slight improvement. I'm still happy.

Well 590.. We were number 1 for a while.. It's fine though.. We'll still run any game just fine c:

Yus.. This is what I'd go gay for..

Need to delete this comment..

yea.. I'd go gay for that.. prolly show it off too.. xD

I only had one crush and it was on a chick... It was when Xbox first came out x..x

I like how you keep using the term "awesome" and act like split screen is a huge breakthrough.

Treyarch has never changed shit. They've just copy and pasted what the big boys did. Please, go ahead and name the things treyarch brung.

I hate COD, and anyone that hates it. I also hate the world and living in general.

Anyone that supports Treyarch is the epitome of idiocy.

Not a big fan of this one.. Love the game though.

The Mako was the best part. I doubt you visited a lot of worlds to see it. If they expanded on it, it could of been even greater.

Agreed. It just gave you the best feeling in the world. And at the end. you wondered how amazing the next games would be. Taking out space exploration was the worst thing to ever do in Mass Effect 2 and 3.

Thank you for calling them out on the music sample. Very unimpressive. I'm already missing Marty.. Though I thought he stayed at 343...