It fits into place easily cause you're too ignornant to see anything real. I bet you didn't even know the Bin Ladin worked for the CIA. The men that flew into the towers were Saudi.
It fits into place easily cause you're too ignornant to see anything real. I bet you didn't even know the Bin Ladin worked for the CIA. The men that flew into the towers were Saudi.
"Then boom. There goes the bombs going off to collapse the center support."
You're not getting it. If 50 people bought each system, or 100 people bought the one system, THAT'S THE SAME AMOUNT OF PROFIT EITHER WAY.
I think you're confused. People that buy BOTH consoles are the smallest percentage. Maybe a couple million yes. And sales WOULD double. People are going to keep playing games. And they'll only have one choice. Not only would sales double. They would most like triple, due to there being no confusion among consoles…
You have 100 people. 40 of them buy xbox's. 40 of them buy ps3's. 20 of them stay undecided until they buy one or the other. With the Universal console. Yes. They make 50/50. But they make over twice as many sales. Ever think of that?
"It just wouldn't work out" is not a good argument.
Also, this would make MUCH bigger sales on exclusives since EVERYONE has access to them. Meaning more money, and bigger budget games in the future. There is NO flaw to a universal console.
How would they make less money? They make less money by being in competition with each other. Not only would they have the combined sales of each fan boy area, but people would be buying one universal console as well. Your reality is stupid. The true reality would be amazing.
People need to remember, they're in it for profits. Just because the fanboys hate each other, doesn't mean Sony and MS do. They actually have a very good relationship with each other. Kotaku should push them. No. The media should push for it. The fanboys should too. We can make a difference. Most of us are just to…
Here's a smarter idea. Have Sony build the hardware and Microsoft run the software. Team up already. They do it for computers. Why not dominate the market together? This would give gamers only ONE real system to never miss out on. It makes complete fucking sense, and would DESTROY Nintendo. They would probably make…
Wouldn't I get blood on them then? xD
I love them. But concerned about fingerprints.
Here comes the Half Life 3 trailer..
And my respect for Kotaku gets knocked down a little more. The only person that's "ugly" is the one that made that the headline.
This is stupid. Why direct this at gamers when they should direct it at professionals. I didn't click on them, but I'm going to doubt they have options for dual cpu configurations and professional grade GPU's. The only people willing to spend money like this is for a workstation. So direct it at them idiots. Not…
It's so cheap that it doesn't invest into it's technology. They simply take old technology, put a gimmick on it, and sell it to the masses. From what Darksiders is telling us, the cost to make a Wii U will most likely be around $110. And They'll sell it for $300.
It's ridiculous how cheap Nintendo is.
Never had I more agreed with a comment in my Kotaku life.
Good. Have a good director do it. Christopher Nolan... Magic.