Current generation.
Current generation.
The only way I can see this being a usable work station is if you can replace the monitors with bigger, higher resolution monitors.
I like Origin more than steam for the simple fact I don't have to fucking re-install the who damn thing because it's multiple drives friendly. You think Steam would let you put games on different hard drives. Nope.
What's that in Nvidia terms? AMD is too confusing.. Please say that's at least a 560..?
That's me in 60 years.
I'm mostly bitching about the no gamepad support for my on selfish needs. :D
Cus we all know how those disabled kids love their Wii..
If only they did that with the last 2 Mass Effects... -..-
It doesn't even run 4.1GHZ stable. And that's with liquid cooling.
2600k friend. It is younger :3
Hell yes! I have a 2600k that overclocks horribly! Got a bad chip <..< Now I can get this and "accidentally" fry it : D
Eh, well I hate the damn beard.
Why ruine Leon's look..? And what was wrong with the prior voice actor for him..?
Um.. I really don't like the way you have to yank it to pull it out...
I lol'd.
No Lucas. Just stay away from directing. Let the other guys handle that..
I thought you'd like it more if you woke up to ett <3
So making one VERY controversial post, expecting to get the most comments, you close the comments.
I clicked on that kotaku heart a long time ago.. Best decision of my life.