
Such high end Gpu's? By the time 2014 roles around it will be mid-level.

As you should They're just a insects. They take what they can from nature and move on once the resources are depleted.

I've given up on Seriously. I got it for Gears 1 and 2 expecting to get something cool in Gears 3. I got nothing. 100 GS for that much work? Fuck you Epic, there's no real way to show it off, therefore I do not care for it.

I know for a fact it looks better than that on my PC. I doubt he's running ultra everything. The beta isn't even in DX11.

I'm really not liking the art style. But looks like I'm finally picking up a Wii.

Gpu's have a fan on them for themselves.. It'd be fine.

Too hot? You realize it's not too hot at all. I own one =/

Cus we all know IOS is wayyy beyond your typical PS3 xD

If it has netflix and flash, it's a buy for me.

Isn't that what a PS3 is for? xD

Considering 2 years and I doubt MS would pay retail prices for their parts. To put a GTX 590 in a next gen in 2 years I think would cost $250. So it could be likely if they sell a $500 system. It makes sense for the next gen to have 2 gpu's.

They still won't match my PC. Even in 2014, I doubt a GTX 590 will be affordable.

Have fun with that 3 hour battery Japan! :D

I haven't been very satisfied with my GTX 590. Once I get my waterblock for it and start liquid cooling it I'll up my voltages and really run it like 2 580's should run.

The teaser trailer seemed better than this one :c

That looks like it took 20 seconds to make -.-

And that's what an "bullshit excuse" looks like folks.

I stuck with the savage drone for like 5 rounds and then used the boomer, and i used the beserker the last 3 rows. It was hilarious, on the last round i had 14 kills and everyone else only had 1-3. Plus my cash at the end over doubled everyone with a total cash of $20,000.

Time to get rid of my shit Razer Lycosa for this :D

I thought me going there at Noon on Monday was bad...