Agreed. xD
Agreed. xD
Thank god for 30 return policies!
I've been waiting for this. Sony, it's finally time for you to become a part of my hardware.
Matte is better. It's depressing to see the little scratches on the glossy skin, and the fingerprints if you touch it. Have no idea what I can clean it with.
Thanks dude xD I have the Lexa S case so I tried to keep the wires nice for good airflow.
As a matter as fact I'm an animator. I run Maya, After Effects, and Adobe Premiere Pro so I do need the RAM. Thank you though :)
I know right? It was only like $15 for it to run at I think @1600 rather than @1200? I don't exactly remember the numbers but I'm pretty sure that's right.
Intel 2600k @ 4.1 GHZ
You won't be saying that when you're on your knees being a table for a bunch of Asians.
THIS IS AWESOME. IT'S LIKE A REAL LIFE MOVIE! As long as Anonymous doesn't hack anything MS or Apple related, I'm fucking golden and will support them! Fuck Facebook, it's pathetic how much people use it.
There we go. That's my reason to get back into gamefly, and a great reason for others to stop pirating. Although 100 titles is nothing..
Pretty sure rigging doesn't have much to do with how many Poly's I'm dealing with...
I can see it now.... A high amount of "failure rates" at Foxconn...
Samsung's processors are complete shit. HTC makes far better ones... at least in the phone area..
You guys do realize we got fucked $100 right..?
So...then why is it closing? =/
I'm making an insane animation for Cliffy ahahaha. Mine's more the Monty Oum type, cept better ;)
Pretty sure they were made available 20 years ago. And I can get them free from any site. Fuck that. I'm not getting ripped off by these bastards. Give me DOA dimensions or an actual good game, that would of made up for it.
And here is my response to Nintendo.