Why wouldn't I feel bad for Drake? He has herps dude... ews..
Why wouldn't I feel bad for Drake? He has herps dude... ews..
Doesn't look that much better.. Really won't even come close to pushing my system at all :/
So they take an old shitty xbox design. And use a shitty ps controller? Come on..
I'll buy it. I love my Forza's.
Please put it on my 3DS. I love playing my old 64 games on this machine.
Guess I'll pick the game up for PC now. I think it will be hilarious that I'll probably run my FPS on this game then Crysis 1 still ahaha.
Why would I need DLC when I have HUNDREDS of modded levels. Dumbass.
PC can handle ANYTHING this game or any game throws at over 100FPS. Still pissed off they didn't design in from the ground up in DX11. Fuck it, Battlefield will make my PC much happier.
Highly doubt the PS3 can handle games over 100FPS, with 8xAntilasing, in DirectX 11. Yea, gtfo with your shitty console version buddy.
It's not about pricing anymore. It's how much they can turn a profit using old technology. Fuck you Nintendo. From a card company, to a game company, to a Corporate company. Greedy fucks.
Well that explains why he needs the friends. Nobody talks on PS3 versions.
Please don't lock the frame rate on PC DICE like COD does. I know I can defiantly push it past 100FPS...
No thanks I'll stick to building my own xDD
Who said it'd be hugely heavy? I think you're basing that off assumptions. And this is for Laptops, not PC's.
Just make your own laptop on ibuypower.com 10x cheaper than some shitty alienware.
That's an old card. I have the GTX 590.
And not a single problem with mine. Okay....
My Razer Mamba runs at 5600dpi. 1ms response time..And wireless. Take that best mouse ever.
Pretty sure you should get the gist of when I say 2040p as in around the 2000p's. And wrong. It's not enormous. The frame rate for a game will drop about 10-20fps, and still stay around 60fps. So please don't even try to use the excuse if people will change their tvs in 2-4 years, 3Dtvs are a joke and people are…
I'd rather be a Mamby Pamby any day than play shitty facebook games.