
A year is like a generation for parts. Glad to see they're waiting to put the parts in, seems they have some sense on their tech this time..

Consider it my new computer monitor.


It's funny.. I'm still in the exact position in the screen shot..

Seems like a hell of a lot better deal than my 3DS. Kinda eliminates the need for a phone with the party system. Might just pick one up for me and my gf and ditch the $150 phone bill.

It seriously looked like MS found a random bum to hire to save taxes on. He's such an idiot and he hurts MS as a brand. And so far, he's done nothing but a shit job anyway. I bought Kinect and returned a week later, I don't even try when something trys to be 1 to 1 and lags. I know right then a game can never truly

Here's an idea. Stop making shitty FF's.

Specs? :o

So glad I became a PC Gamer this year. Can't wait to see 64 player multiplayer on ultra graphics...

Well Old Republic defiantly needs it, it is an MMO. Dark Souls has had game play trailers that look amazing. Street Fighter was stylized CG that I believe had game play in it..? You get my point though, games like these don't need CG trailers.

It's 2011. The only time you see CG cut scenes/trailers is for shitty games. Seriously =/

Not feature toned down difficulty? Seriously? That means it's still going to be easy. And there won't be an option for Master Ninja... That's bullshit.

That straight up is the worst console name ever. Well at least for the major players. Let's hope it won't be.

I'll be there only on PC my friend. :)

I'd like to see that for Call of Duty.. hahaha...

I know just letting ya know! :D


Is it just more, or does Link look like he has to take a crap every time he jumps..

More like 285mb/s and writes at 265mb/s