Epic Studios doesn't even respond to their fans of 10 years. Nice to see a studio that actually cares about it's fans.
Epic Studios doesn't even respond to their fans of 10 years. Nice to see a studio that actually cares about it's fans.
That's stupid in MS part. This generation has run it's course, time to move on at least in 2013.
This was retarded. They got all those people to buy those games, and the game is still coming out the same time it was going to. That's just stupid.
Good. I want to see more games go this way. Might influence the next generation of consoles to come sooner and not skimp down on their innerds.
*mixes them together.* Now I just made a Reese's and i'm a millionaire. Sup dawg.
It's astounding to me how they just can't mix the two together. Look at Mass Effect, it's almost hit the perfect stride between the two and it's amazing! Ok how about this Kotaku Readers, leave it to the next generation of developers to do so... As in me <3
Just got my 3DS a couple days ago. So bored, have nothing to play with for it. :c
Removed by poster...hm..
It doesn't let me download Double Dragon either.
They De-listed double dragon and I'm not able to download it. It's not even part of my download history.
Would you of really bought this at retail? No Amen, this game would never make anything if it wasn't for Xbox Live. In the small games area, Downloadable games are king.
Actually you can't, I tried to with some gamer pics before, all content delisted is shown as Not on xbox live anymore or something like that, and isn't available for download.
I hate how these guys make games. It's like it just to take quick time events, and make it incredibly slow quick time events.. Ruining the point of them.. The gameplay is pretty much non-existent, and their stories are stupid and uninteresting.
I love how they care so much about the community, but never reply to any messages sent to them through the Gears website, or even facebook. Yea, you really care idiots.
And the winner goes to... Nintendo 64 Kid.. And the Old Zelda reference.. Complete awesomeness..
Uh.. That's a little harsh. $10,000, that's understandable. But that's more money then that guy might ever make... Seriously...
Hey I want one of those haha.
That's bullshit. It's their own fault they made a shitty game, and I don't see any of the many other developers using the Unreal Engine sueing Epic during that period.
Started watching it. But figured I'm not going to because I don't want anything ruined.
One thing I miss whenever I played COD. Nothing is as good as Halo at making you feel accomplished.