Greg Hellman

L4D3, Portal 3 and HL3 all announced at E3, 2025.

Super Bowl 50. The salt is still real.

Fuck, i mix them uo all the time. Excuse my ignorance.

You can’t do one of each currently?!?

Zen + Trob is your best bet. Grt Zenyatta to pick up an armor and his shields effectively become armor. Since shields depleted BEFORE armor and armor effects all incomming damage as long as it is active.

Zenyatta is a dude. He and him, not she and her :)

Too cool for anything I’d ACTUALLY do. I guess step one is them actually release wave 1.

What? If they were 1/1000 scale? Well 1/100... what ever would make them the size of my favourite TMNT action figures I grew up playing with. The Overwatch boxes look so nice. I’d amiibo that shit up. Id have to catch em all. And never open em. Having them wrap around me 360 degrees facing in, before everytime I boot

They are basically identical. My deciding factors? Controller comfort, online functionality, leaving previous gen main console’s family, first party exclusives. All other differences, to me, are a wash. These are the questions I tell people to ask themselves when deciding between the two. I never bring up price/value

They are basically identical. My deciding factors? Controller comfort, online functionality, leaving previous gen

Exactly those. But at 1/1000 scale or whatever would make them”normal” sized

You win this thread

Neither. Those cities suck ass too. At least Boston and NYC are good tourisim unlike Cleveland... just a rusted defrosted shell of a once prosperous city.

Your city sucks. Enjoy the ride because it is back to being irrelevant in a few weeks when Thunder beat you and Browns are pooping their pants over losig 13 games again.

We finally hit peak sports coverage. Contact local cable provider for packages that include The Ocho

But it is still xbox1... when they did the new better GPU/CPU on the 360s whi h i think they did three times befoee the S, did you consider that a new console or generation?

Everyone, the slim is not a upgrade. It is cheaper version. The upgrade is next year. Wait til PS4 upgrade is this year and a marginal upgrade.

CoD brah

Dont forget the porn, or is that not part of criteria? Or considered under artwork subcriteria?

I just said how I hated sifting through the below average sketches to get to the great ones. Not a good show but had amazingly good skits.

WKUK is so good. I hate all the lame you have to sift throught to get to the good.