The fact that the majority of opinions here presume that a 14 year old kid knows about these things is fine - I get that and don't argue the point.
HA !
For those of you old enough to remember, the predicted demise of Apple goes back as far as 1984 (if not earlier)..
Please help.. I really want to know what this is referring to. #tooobscureforsimpletons
I have deep knowledge and first hand experience in this area.
My policy is that if there's nothing scornful being said, then let it go, bro. You know what he/she meant. You are an understanding individual. Everyone deserves a little lattitude.
Mr. McAfee.. you dont need legal advice... you need U-Haul trucks !
Can I hook it up to my ipod Shuffle ? My Iphone is too big.
Silicene Putty !
Hi, Captivater.
You might be missing the point of the restrictions -
I disagree - sorry.
1. Math is what we use to try to describe "things" quantitatively. Also, your statement that math is a constant is probably bogus.. it just is currently the best we have to describe our experience. Math is a constant based on our experience. Do not deny yourself the possibility that we are incredibly limited in our…
SO Greenpeace trying to make a point...by... Littering ?
1. Math is a human creation therefore it cannot be definitively used to explain something so transcending as "the beginning and end of the universe"... but for now we will have to pretend it does and live comfortably within the construct.