I feel like this game is going to be a huge disappointment.
I feel like this game is going to be a huge disappointment.
This game made me cry like a baby. I don’t know why it isn’t considered a must play or a masterpiece. I played it 5 times to see all endings. The characters were all so mysterious and interesting especially Kainé. I wish more games had such depth.
I can only remember bits and pieces. Some people are caught in some crazy challenge and they have to fight in order to survive. Is it this anime? One half is porn and the other half is gory massacre against weird ass creatures?
The old Nier was a jrpg but this looks like some action game.
As Jilkon as said you should really finish it and play it at least a second time. I really loved the game. It is really unique. The story is heart breaking. If you can’t play it a second time just watch the cut scenes.
I just wonder how to get treasure keys. There’s no use in doing poe if you don’t have any keys right?
i want this game! now!
So the Metal Gear title is really over huh? Makes me really sad. I’m trying to imagine how Hideo Kojima actually feels about leaving a company he has worked for for so so long. It must be painful to leave something like that behind. To leave something you have built from the ground up. To leave the people who you have…
Diversity in comics and movies? Ever seen some ugly ass mofo be a hero in a movie? Or some ugly woman be the heroine or princess? NO! They’re all the definition of beauty.
Yea, I really like the blonde one too. But there’s one thing that still makes the designs a bit manly. The chins are too spiky and long.
she’s got a wiener son!
I’d have liked you to play any of the the Extreme Primals when they first came out. Slow my ass.
You could’ve said two words “generic shooter”.
Wow, best news of the day !
reminds me of this movie:
and how does this make 3.7 million $ a day?
will do thanks for the info :).
Forum says 6 levels lower. Post says 6 levels higher.
You got issues. I have never seen a single woman saying she’d like to be finished with sex in 10 minutes. You sure you’re not a guy?
Sounds like a not so good game to me...