
i tried every single ac game cuz everybody was telling me that i should try them them and none have kept me playing for longer than 2 hours. i love action rpgs but ac games are so damn boring.

and how would you know all this?

i don’t think it’ll be implemented in final fantasy xv. when you saw the demo, you also saw their rig. i can’t imagine many people investing 5.000$ or more on a pc to play games. this would also mean that final fantasy xv won’t run on current gen consoles.

this looks like sunset overdrive with a dog.

Well played sir well played. You are my hero of the day.

i dont get why people get angry or feel betrayed by things like this. i agree on the part that konami seems to have lost its sanity and i pretty much think that konami is non-existant without Hideo Kojima since they havent had a single major hit except the games Hideo Kojima worked on but it seems normal for a company

Sometimes it’s better to not be so rich and famous. The illuminati won’t make you wear shit like that.

this kind of detail will never run on a current gen console. period.
we are talking about consoles which struggle hitting a 60 fps standard on hd quality.


I don’t have any friends. Guess what! I can’t play this game. But hey I can’t play most other PvP games on fair terms also because I either play alone or with total randoms who have 0 coordination. This sad fact makes games like this less fun for people like me. I am sure that I am not the only person who does not

play it at your friends house or something. it’s definately a must play game.

looks like marylin manson is playing the new joker.

There is this guy who made a video where he explains how most characters in the game who came close to the truth plucked their eyes out in ordner to keep themselves from going insane.
I can’t find it anymore :/.

seems like this dude has spent 5.4 hours on black screens. congrats to him.

at this point it almost seems like konami has kidnapped Hideo Kojimas family and is blackmailing him to keep him quiet.

i hope they stick to japanese names then.

true but i’m the kind of person that doesn’t care much about sales. i buy stuff i want the moment i can get it. i’m not saying i can afford everything i want but games i can.

i feel like some studios just want to go bankrupt after being successful.

only plus on pc are mods period

really? you’re comparing Yakuza to GTA and Watch Dogs? who’s being the troll now?