I like Borderlands color palette better than this.
I like Borderlands color palette better than this.
How do you do tattoos? I didn't see any option to have tattoos on my Sim.
I completely agree with you.
Just ignore it. Since it's the subjective view of a few people who's opinions are apparently more 'important' than the majority of gamers all over the world.
I really don't understand why people follow this guy. He's not funny, he's not good at playing games, his comments are mostly stupid and he doesn't seem to be particularly smart.
I know who I am and I know I am a gamer.
I don't give two shits about other people's opinions if their aim is to put all people who identify themselves as gamers into the same box and put a description on it saying "potential murderer, evil person, do not trust, aggressive, irrational, etc.".
I know what I am and I am…
Guess what happens when you tell people to not do something. Yea, they'll do it because you told them not to.
Wow,..what a.. strong person.
What the hell is wrong with this guy and his naked nylon over his head fetish? This is so wrong!
What does a ninja have in common with a nigger? I don't get it.
"Sarah, a young girl dying of terminal cancer who manages to open a gateway to another world."
I don't know if this was actually intended but children tend to escape from reality especially when they are in pain. I am speaking from experience. I remember quite well that I had my own "another world" when I was sick.
Meanwhile at the Gamescom Cologne 2014:
Every corner of the 7 different halls smells like weed...
This looks like the hospital I was treated in...
I really don't see how EA Access is good value. You pay 30$ for a year + 50$ for your Xbox Live membership to have demo access to EA games?
Yes, I did. And I will probably adopt a child. But I feel it's not the same as having your own children.
- You never know if the biological parents of your adopted child will come back for 'their child' and want to raise him/her themselves.
- And you also never know if your adopted child will want to live with his/her…
May all of your children live a healthy and happy life :).
It's weird isn't it ? That we never appreciate what our parents did for their children and how much pain and maybe even suffering they have endured.
I am 28 now and I'd have a 7 year old son if I were my father. Unfortunately though I will never have my own…
Oh, okay then :). I just felt like you were angry or annoyed.
Hehe, thanks for your reply :). No, I never said and ever would say that Japanese games suck. I did not intend to generalize. There are loads of Japanese games that are awesome but the thing I pointed at is that only a hand full of the games on the list are interesting for the western audience. I can't imagine that…
I have tried to take the different tastes and culture into account before posting my opinion but as you are indicating in your reply to my post 'there obviously are exceptions to the general western person' such as you I guess.
And no I didn't mean a broader, universal audience since that would include the Japanese as…
I managed to endure a maximum of 30 minutes on any Call of Duty game up until now and I'm quite sure the time I will spend on playing future Call of Duty games won't be any longer.