
Where do you find music like this?

looks like chucky. if it can talk like chucky then the price is okay-ish.

It's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but why do you think that top models are always skinny, tall women who don't have a single scratch on their bodies?
It's sad but it's a fact that we perceive an objective beauty. And objective beauty in this case means no fat, ugly, handicapped people.
I have scars all

The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me.
Why would people let their heads cut open for aesthetics?

Now she can enjoy her liberties and rights in jail while hopefully being less harrassive.

I would definately fall victim to her sexiness.

This is what niche means:…. And it really doesn't mean "small but reliable set of potential customers".
Niche is a biological term. The evolutionary process has adjusted every organism or rather living creature to have its highest potential and survivalability in a specific

No, I din't like it. It's too over the top for my tastes.

I think this season is pretty boring.
Bakemonogatari sadly lost it's way and no other anime are that interesting.
The only anime I watch this season is Log Horizon.

I know how difficult translating is. I did a couple of translating jobs for websites. One of the websites had 734 sub pages and it took me and me alone 3 months to finish. It was a multilingual website with Turkish as the primary language and German and English.
I know translating a website is different than

I have finished all games you mentioned and I have to say that I also could never feel connected to the characters in these games but that is also reason why I am playing these games. I want to learn about them, about different maybe even crazy people because those kind of people you don't meet in real life, well you

This sentence: "the second best value in gaming behind the Humble Bundle" is totally wrong. I can't imagine the Humble Bundle giving you 50 games for 4 different devices per year of which most are AAA titles. And in addition to the games you get for free you also get rebates for other games you might want to buy over

Translated, exactly. They put in english subtitles after 2 years of release. That's what localizing is, isn't it? Must have been really hard work.
And yea it did not sell well since nobody knew the game even existed because there was no promotion.

Yea how wonderful. You guys know SEGA right? The SEGA that doesn't want to localize Yakuza 5 for us western people. Expect Japan only Persona games and other gems produced by Atlus.

I remember my dad punching me once. I didn't remember where the hell I was and what I was doing at that moment. I really don't think punching anybody is a good idea.

I don't get how people can call fashion or style racist.

I am a Web Developer and I specialize in both front-end and back-end development. Currently though I am working as an IT Consultant. And what I can tell you about my job as a developer or consultant is that if I ever go out of ideas I lose my job. What I mean with "These (sorry typo there) guys didn't do shit in

Why do people even care whether he leaves or stays in id soft. This guys didn't do shit in ages. Which basically means he is some average dude.

The title of this post suggests that our planet is inhabited by other sentient beings other than humans who live with us and use human currencies to buy products produced for human entertainment. Or was the first creature that bought an Xbox One an ape? That ape must have very distinguished tastes for an animal though.