
Seriously, learn to read...

Aww, so cute.

I think it's good that Titanfall went exclusive. The Xbox One needs good exclusives so it can compete with the mostly niche-only-games-system. And well this contributes to the competition between the two. A good competition is good for a healthy market. And a healthy market is good for the consumers.

I loved the series and Bakemonogatari is my all time favorite anime but they screwed up with Monogatari Second.. such a shame.

Am I the only one who doesn't care about this game and that Ellen Page is playing the protagonist?
And since when is Beyond Two Souls was Ellen Page's game..?

Wow, she's really good and seems to pack quite a punch even though she seems so skinny. And she's damn fast too.
But she's closing her eyes too often. This is why I am wondering if she also fights in tournaments. My Tae Kwon Do trainer always reminded us not to close our eyes if we don't want to get kicked in the face.

I just hope to play Yakuza 5 in a language in can understand one day.

I lilke what you did there :D.

I know there's a cultural difference between all sorts of people but how come the japanese have 0 sense for fashion when it comes to shoes?
Those just look awful.

I liked the combat in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

I liked the combat in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

I still didn't finish Persona 3 Fez..shame on me!

I've been using Azrayl since I was 7 but nowadays I'm not fast enough in any game to grab my own alias. Azrayl is the angel of death.
There's a saying in turkish, my native language, which is used quite often. Literally it goes like "don't stand there waiting like Azrayl waits for his next soul". I grabbed the name

I think high-tech weaponry is a good thing for once since I can't imagine terrorists would have the funds to compete with the military force of first world countries.
I hope technological advances like these will reduce terrorism in general.

Because there are no other problems life...

I have read this exact same comment somewhere before. It made no sense to me at first but ...there's no but.
How would you push the industry with a machine specificly built for gaming?
It's not some device that can push the industry. It's people - their ideas and beliefs.

Imagine the PS4 could project a screen where you

  • it's not as hard as dark souls. But there was one alley with 5 or more red souls. I'm not the best player but I think that area was intended for higher levels. I managed to kill 2 of them but could not touch the others.

Adorable woman with a cute voice. I like her!

My listing for now goes like this:
1. GTA 5
2. The Last of Us
3. Tales of Xillia
4. Disgaea D2
5. Devil May Cry
6. Ni No Kuni
7. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
8. God of War: Ascension
9. Kingdom Hearts HD

Wow, this is gorgeous. And that Legend of the Cryptids girl looks so adorable.