it’s only ‘not as impressive as the headline makes it sound’, which i misinterpreted to mean without making kills. a projectile is a projectile, still, pretty impressive that someone decided to do this for some reason and followed through.
it’s only ‘not as impressive as the headline makes it sound’, which i misinterpreted to mean without making kills. a projectile is a projectile, still, pretty impressive that someone decided to do this for some reason and followed through.
Well, to be fair to Shaows, the article’s title was click-baitingly misleading: I clicked, thinking I was coming into a “Hacksaw Ridge” type of story.
He has a point though, the awesome pictures get me interested in the game, decisions resulting from an inflexible system that punishes someone for making the game look awesome, turns me off to the publisher and the company itself and all its games.
But that won’t get them the precious clicks their Mexican-American Overlords demand.
I used to come to Kotaku hoping to get away from the IRL obsession most people these days have with celebrities.
Meth addicts are getting desperate these days.
It’s a giant...!!!
Gohan” “Why is there so much porn of me fucking my mom!? Oh well, saiyans gonna saiyan.”
I think you pet her head to turn her on...
We still have almost 70% of them.
I miss the Beastie Boys :(
In my experience as a deaf citizen in America, Japan is only paying lip service to these issues and not genuinely addressing it.
That means Log Horizon’s a reskinning of SAO too right guys?
(1) In place of a period when you have two complete thoughts that could stand alone—but only if they’re closely connected. “He likes pizza; I prefer pasta.”
This scene was the only redeemable of the Doom movie. After that, they immediately disappoint with fist fighting.
Doom was a fun, mindless action movie that did fps quite well.
And what is with the under shirt!
Fucking dead.
I tested this just for you: If you do that, nothing happens, you just can’t open the door and you have to quit and restart. Which presumably means it’s hypothetically possible to accidentally fling the correct key off the side and just be screwed. Disappointing, but not surprising for a game made in 24 hours.