No but Discovery Channel has already spoken to him about a TV deal...
No but Discovery Channel has already spoken to him about a TV deal...
He donated 10% to eBay and 3% to PayPal. That much is certain.
Story doesn’t say. It is reportable income for tax purposes though.
ITT: “Fuck you, I got mine!”
I would have donated some to them.
The reason we have veterans is to protect Capitalism, not to encourage philanthropy.
Or die and get sent to hell. Seriously, that was a thing that happened in Archie. Riverdale is not the weirdest thing to happen to the Archie franchise.
Oh man was about to post one of their songs, well done sir.
Was waiting for someone to make a Dragon Force reference. Was not disappointed.
Peter North remembers...
“Romero is credited with fueling the pop culture obsession for zombies...”
Sorry, no, that’s not even remotely doing his legacy justice.
Really? I’m pretty sure we know.
Yeah Sega either owns wholesale or co-owns the IP. It would be cool if Nintendo bought them out but given Deba’s issues I doubt they sell a IP with a proven fanbase for what Nintendo would pay. Also while I think Nintendo especially these days wouldn’t be too gun shy with the more racy elements, I don’t know if they…
Right ... anyone who’s had to manage the heat of a Mech in a Mechwarrior game knows what you’re talking about.
Or seep in between armor plates to affect the electronics directly. It’ll be more effective than bullets, probably.
I learned that from Horizon Zero Dawn.
When it’s no longer going, they will change the name to Pokemon Stop
I dunno, a gigantic response to some VERY LIGHT TEASING seems pretty defensive to me. There weren’t even any names called! Just a “this is still a thing?” joke. And you guys totally cannot handle it.
not so much defensive as a collective dislike of assholes.
Made this comment a couple months ago and got ROASTED. They are a defensive bunch.