I keep looking at this game when I have an urge to buy a new game, but can’t seem to pull the trigger. It looks beautiful, but many of the reviews make it sound like there isn’t much happening outside of boss fights. Is that the case?
I keep looking at this game when I have an urge to buy a new game, but can’t seem to pull the trigger. It looks beautiful, but many of the reviews make it sound like there isn’t much happening outside of boss fights. Is that the case?
That game feels like such a waste of good artwork. The gameplay is almost non-existent and as you said, it feels like moving through mud. Hopefully this game will be an improvement over Jotun.
This. One Thousand times this.
Yup, I completely agree with this assessment. They lost their focus on what people loved in order to try to expand into multiplayer and it just made all of it less focused and good for myself.
Oh, i know *exactly* what you mean. I loved AC For Answer. I thought it was the peak of AC’s evolution gameplay wise. That game was so fast paced it made an RPG fan cousin of mine’s head spin. Not kidding. AC5... i was left disappointment. So much so that even though i always play each iterations follow up, i still…
To best style and profile, Flair. Wooooooooo!
There was one stream I saw where they were walking around Universal Orlando, having one phone for Pokemon Go and the other phone recording them walking around and playing, which was the stream.
One streamer I was watching estimated that it would cost 1800/mo to cover the data cost of streaming with one phone (his face/location) + another phone to play PG.
Sure is Gooey
Yeah. He is also a literal embodiment of the idiom, “You are what you eat.”
Came here to say this. The top image looks straight up like it could be a Super Mario RPG 2. And NO, Paper Mario or the Mario & Luigi games are NOT Super Mario RPG successors. I won’t hear of it.
Oh, God damn... That would be amazing!
It’s like when you close your laptop. Instead of going cold, it just suspends everything and goes into a low power mode. When you come back, you can just put in your password and everything is how you left it. It really saves time when you don’t have to wait for all the startup stuff.
Like the guy above said, it can’t disappoint if nothing is expected of it.
I think you have to be careful with the qualifier “disappointing.” One assumes that no one expected much from Hundred, and therefor no one cares.
This is not a list of the worst, but the biggest disappointment, they all knew Hundred was going to suck so no big surprise or disappointment there. But shows like Terra Formars, MHA or Ace attorney had some people excited, and boom they suck now, except for MHA which is good, but I guess good is not enough for super…
It was about disappointment. You can’t be disappointed if you already know going in its gonna be a shitty generic action harem anime
Hard to be disappointed in something you didn’t have high expectations for :)