You know, I think they have those:…
You know, I think they have those:…
I was gonna say that that's tasteless, but I'd be a hypocrite because I thought the same thing yesterday...
I personally see this as just typical modern day feminism where women dress in a way that gets the attention of men, but then get pissed off when they actually get the attention even if it's just men looking at them.
Ok let me explain the perv thing. I understand that it's a gaming convention but people don't have to be dull. Making rude comments and touching is passed the line but a playful look is not the end of the world. It's hard enough to admit to a girl that we play video games so seeing one at a convention is a little…
That was more than looking. That was gawking like a creep.
obvious! they plan to go around naked, and all they want is to create a safe environment! :D
"So fuck girls"
You're doing it wrong if you want to go 'full gay'.
So what the guy did was completely fine then. Seeing as he continued his walk and did the patented "turn-walk-turn-walk-again" move. A move that is not gender-specific, as I've seen many a woman master it flawlessly.
Okay, so it's not the fact that he looked, but because he didn't hide it from... no-one, yes?
Also, I'm pretty fucking sure people wouldn't call him a creep if he was a Brad Pitt.
How to not be a creep:
1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive
Hey, I wear horse blinders all the time. It's cool.
They did it for that equally shady and terrible dinosaur game...
3 had more varied gameplay and level design than 2 but it ruined the online mode.
You just made me want to go back and replay 3 if only for that part!
I think 3 is better than the 2nd. Story was decent, graphics and colors were wonderful.
Very good, better than both it's predecessors. A must play!
exactly. that cheating Radec bitch is a pain. at least to me.
3rd is good. but it's a lot easier than the 2nd one. i had a hard time with the last boss fight in the 2nd game (that's 'cause i'm not good at shooter games). but i enjoyed the 2nd game more than the 3rd one.
3 is the best of the series. You can get it pretty cheaply now as well.
This stuff is gold! At least assuming the afro is removable. I'd love to make some over-the-top 80's disco singer with that hair. The face, on the other hand, would work fine for making some horror-themed minifigure. The pants might be a good fit for a hobo minifig, and a spaceman, doctor or Michael Jackson could get…