
So you’re saying they were “Russian provided” Cruise Missiles?

Also, what about Puppet Master?

Jason goes to Hell is the worst one.

Where is the Phantasm love?

Not anymore it’s not.

Oda meant it literally as he needs the blood to keep the enslavement enchantment drawn into each page going.

So I’m confused on the title; is it the ability to register online to be able to vote, or the ability to register to be able to vote online?

Didn’t watch the video, but does the Cactuar Conductor summon Doom Train?

It’s Broly’s Super form, since apparently Broly isn’t canon anymore.

They just lost all that revenue with Skin Gambling, they gotta make it up somewhere else.

I’ve seen the first episode of Nanabaka and it’s great. Imagine all the funny parts of Kill la Kill made into a separate anime and you get this show. Definitely looking forward to the rest of the season.

Nope, you’re actually paying them to use the Coca-Cola logo. Probably standard licensing fee.

Increases the odds of catching them, but doesn’t increase the odds of them actually showing up.

That’s gotta be around $3,000 - $4,000.

Now playing

Where was that rule when that little 12 year old punk helped the Yankees win the ALC in 1996?

The lady officer knows it was the was the guy on his phone, just look at her face.

What part of the name “Robyn” makes Christine think it’s her mail? It’s not like it was a mass produced spam-mail envelope.

Come to Imgur, we remember this moment everyday.

Have you watched Log Horizon yet?