
Tiny people!

The swing is 6 inches lower than the other one.

Anpanman solves teen pregnancy.

Jota+ Pro Key ($3.50) | Google Play | Normally $6

Excellent, the Darksaber project can continue as planned...

Tell me more about Mr. Frickson and this drive he invented.

All that's missing is Gywndolin floating in the air like Majora-SkullKid right about here.

I'm pretty sure that some of those herbs he picked would make a great side.

And so Ben responds with a pithy "I don't do requests." (What is the frame of reference for this quip?) He fires Killian into the tubes. Time for yet another big tube sequence!

It's at about this point that Buzzsaw really shits his pants.

Who was not yet a Mortal Kombat character, and in 1987 was instead a big hockey player dude with a bladed hockey stick.

Traffic mirror or drop tube for children? YOU DECIDE!

I know they call themselves the "Master Race", but why the hate on the PC gaming crowd?

There are multiple drawers, a collection rack, LED lights, and extra storage space. It's all built-to-order. And how much does this cozy space cost? 798,000 yen or nearly US$8,000. Apparently you can put a price on alone time like this.

"I will name my firstborn...Loader Bot," Rhys says, staring off into the distance. "Well, you know, probably not."

He looks like an "Adventure Time" version of Thor.