
Look, it's 1940's Randy Johnson!

Why does it have MicroSD cards in it?

Matt Damon with a little David Bowie thrown in.

You can see her mouth twitch up right after it happens.

The "Thrawn Trilogy" is good (Heir to the Empire/Dark Force Rising/The Last Command), but definitely get the "Star Wars Tales" books.

Black Ops 2 beat you to it.

Funny you say that cause Ash is giving me a Terry Bogard vibe.

Jessie and James are supposed to be teenagers as well.

Maybe it's the muscles, but this looks like Chyna cosplaying as Officer Jenny.

Aren't they supposed to be adults already?

I bought it but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Does it include the Enemy Within expansion already?

The Last Starfighter ($7) | Amazon

Jason Scheier is an artist who has worked at Double Helix Games (Silent Hill) and, more recently, Dreamworks.

What was that noise?

Is she supposed to be smoking this shell or what?

Comstock and Booker having a discussion. Also why does this movie make me think of Equilibrium?