
Level 5 may have just sold a PS4 for Sony.

I owned a MkI MR2 for several years, loved it a great deal even though I only barely fit in it when the t-tops were in place. The time came that I parted ways with it, but I always wanted another mid engine weekend-mobile. So, a few years later, after a career change and finding myself with some disposable income, I

Yeah, I didn’t mean to sound attack-ish, too early on a Monday perhaps. It’s just funny to me how perceptions differ. As a fan I’m much rather see two TEAMS fighting it out. I tune in to each race wondering “Which Mercedes wins today?” Previously which Red Bull, etc... Hopefully the new regs make for a more

That’s funny, because I think that Nico has been the big baby all season. Between two separate instances of Nico actively stating that he was entitled to the lead position and causing crashes to ‘defend’ a position he was inacapable of holding, and the fact that Lewis had way more reliability issues than Nico all

For those who are less drop-head and more dropped-on-your-head.

Well, it would have to buy him dinner and a prostitute first, so I don’t think they’d get the expense request approved.

“When you are old enough, go out and vote.” There. That’s what you tell your students. Trump won because he had the support of a large number of people who took his words at face value and had no interest in thinking about their implications beyond, “Yeah, I think that too!” What was voter turnout? 40% was a number I

I’m Commander Ryder and FolliFirm is my favorite hair product.

Your well explained reasoning makes it very hard for me to go with my initial response of a hatchback and the first ticket to someplace better. Kudos to you for putting family first and congrats on this new, exciting chapter in your life. I have to agree with parts of the professionals’ post above. When it comes to


Bernie’s golden days of truly insane bullshit dribbling out his mouth like a sewage outflow pipe are just getting started people. Now that he’s just an employee and consultant, there is someone higher up the org structure that will have to deal with the blowback every time he says something like this from now until

Saw that lower fascia, in green, first thought was this face:

I’m taking the buyback for my Golf. Mine has 80k miles on it, is going to start needing things, and even if they do find an approvable fix, it won’t be the same car when they’re done with it. I bought it with every intention of keeping it until the wheels fell off, and I very much enjoyed it.

Somebody please inform Turn 10 that this car exists.

This is the output of a design session fueled by a particularly deep bucket of cocaine. They just never stopped adding things until they finally started to come down, reason began to return, and their heart gave out. Honda found the designer, face down on the a pile of drawings and decided to honor the designer’s

Obligatory... and actually kinda fitting.

It is not good enough for rental duty, and I have proof. To this day both my mother and my wife grow agitated when the words ‘Jeep Compass’ are uttered in their presence.

Is it in form to say that I think those are aftermarket, low sidewall rims/tires that look to have lifted the center of gravity and reduced sidewall flex that might have caused the snap? Otherwise I think the driver did all he could to keep the worst case scenario from happening.

Make up a police badge: Jalopnik Police Dept. No Part too Small. Established whenever we did the first identify that part story.

Keep Calm and (Jalop gearshift design).