
Yeah, I really wasn't expecting you to have run efficiency numbers at an event like this... might lose your gear-cred. Just was wondering if you got that feeling, which you answered.

I have a question for you. Did you get the impression that it was capable of the efficiency it claims?

Everybody needs a little support now and then.

Those last two sentences... you know, in the back of my mind, I can hear the voice shouting, "Remakes are dumb! You should not buy these things." And yet, every time I read that four word answer to all of Square's financial problems I can't help but grin like an idiot and the voice at the front of my mind shouts, "I

I'll say it first off: I'm not a Nintendo person. And yet, I have to agree with a lot of this. Nintendo is odd in many ways in the games industry, but perhaps their methods have reason behind them. Nintendo premiers are often very ho-hum, yet they sell massively. On the 'big boy' consoles, games show up at E3,

So... did BMW just tell Apple what they think of their Siri button?

I love the little disclaimer down at the bottom right of the infographic.

I've tried three times to get through Bioshock, each time I lose interest around the 6-8 hour mark. While I know this game is known for its environment and the ending, I can never get through the middle to find it out for myself.

I have to say, I've kinda reached saturation when it comes to FPS games right now. Every so often I get the urge and load up BF3 for an hour or so, then I'm good.

This is exactly what earned E3 its share of my disgust this year. There is next to nothing coming out this year that doesn't fall under the "Shooter Season 2012" category, to borrow a term from Yahtzee. I'm a Forza fan, and Horizon hasn't wowed me yet. I'm an Assassin's Creed fan, and while 3 looks quite good, I

So... is Fallout 3 a Red Game? Cause, I mean, the Chinese infiltrators were everywhere. And I mean, we only hunted them down because they were guarding the last Twinkies I wanted from that building they were hiding in. I mean, we don't even fight back against them in the grand scheme of things, we're just trying to

Is it just me or does Chinese 'reformation' sound like a very unpleasant experience. Or is that just me subconsciously hoping that the worst I can imagine is imparted upon this guy?

I agree with so many of these, going to be very hard to pick 10.

I have, and I fully agree it looks very funny. But for stills, show the 'game' portion of the game, the image that shows motion and interactivity. Save cutscene stuff for the video media that will (and has already been) released.

It just seems like the world is 'promised' an RS every few years, yet none ever materialize. If the RS never makes a return, the ST will be the pinnacle of the Focus line and not the 'weaker younger brother' you mentioned it as in your original comment.

The Lego one! Wow, is this Nintendo's first Lego game? People don't buy these games for the cutscenes, they buy them for the kind of gameplay you see in the 'worst' shot.

I'm going to go with the Jeep TJ, there are so many out there, they will need repairing, and junk yards are going to be swamped with them in the coming years, making parts available to Freankenstein up the one you might be thinking about getting for a summer / winter-mobile. The JKs I don't think will permit the same

I like this idea, but it entirely hinges on the RS actually coming out, which never seems to look like a sure thing.

Going back to your initial question: What's the appeal of this show? I think I have an idea on that one. I was in the same boat as you and turned it on out of curiosity, the one thing I took away from the show is that it reminded me of cartoons from back in the 80s/90s, which I suppose is appropriate as that is the

Okay, I'll start by saying off the bat: I prefer the 360 for day to day gaming.