
Don't get me too far wrong... it's not so much a complaint of "It sucks that it has so much stuff" as it's more a curiosity on my part of just how much more amazing this car could be if it didn't have a laptop fused to the dash and enough speakers to fill a small theater. I mean, I know it's very Euro-chic to make

Thank you sir! I owe you a cookie.

Who needs the wondrous note of a snarling V-10 when I can listen to the sound of silicone vibrating to sub-aural audio waves, eh?

Um... okay... deep breaths...

Does anyone else see the offspring of a drunken conjugal visit between a Cruze and a Camaro in that front end?

I vote for Bill Caswell! For giving us a glimpse into what it's like being in events like he's entered with the mentality of a Jalop.

According to Top Gear and a certain HiLux, cars can be dropped a (far) greater distance and still work.

I know we're talking about Manufacturer sites here, but as far as the canned dealership sites, I have to say my favorite is Ford, if for no other reason than that they simply display the window sticker. When it comes to shopping for a vehicle this is the most reliable, effective and informative way to tell you what

Just like the last few versions of Windows, Microsoft thinks it knows what you want more than you do, thus the auto trans nestled in the middle.

Park the Jeep, use the motorcycle whenever possible. Beyond that, that 38mpg Veloster Turbo is looking better and better...

Dear Bryan Salamone,

Something tells me this Prius won't do well on the emissions test.

I have a few friends that ride regularly (I prefer motorized two wheel transport) and one of them has been hit before, the others have been lucky so far. Sorry to hear about you and your friend, hope it doesn't happen again. This does sound like an unfortunate accident from the brief summation here, I hope the

I'll take the middle ground on this one and say it's a sad day for all involved. Hopefully it does just turn out to be an accident and not another rich d-bag story. Still sad when something like this happens, regardless of how it came about.

Is anyone else a little concerned that for $60 - 70k (with taxes, markups, etc.) people are going to be able to buy a 200 mph car? Don't get me wrong, I think it's sweet to be able to say that $55k can buy a 200 mph car, but there's going to be some idiot out there who buys this car, decides to see if it can really

This car needs to be in Forza right now.

I have to disagree on this one, I think this is the best way to do branching. Turn 10 partners with an outside firm of folks with varied professions, hands over their extensive digital car library and physics engine, and says, "Go forth and make a more casual paced game." This leaves Turn 10 free to make Forza 5

I've found listening to audio books very helpful, but few things keep me awake for the long haul like stand up comedy.

I don't know, I'm a little torn on this one. Certain angles look just... too busy, especially the straight on rear view... the tail round tail lights are framed by flat, horizontal lines, yet down toward the bottom, where one usually expects flat lines, the red body color swoops south of the border all the way down

A sauerkraut spill reported on by the Frakfurter Neue Presse?