
Your character build means a lot at the beginning of the game, I would say almost more than the others but thats just IMO.
I focused on combat related stats/perks, but I can’t do shit for lockpicking, terminals, crafting and even settlement building and conversations is someone limited because of low charisma.
If I had

“Dialogue options suck & boil down to Yes, Maybe Yes, Sarcastic Yes & No”which No option is basically welp re open the dialogue & now choose a yes answer or don’t progress”

Still don’t understand this complaint, there are some really hard decisions to make in this game and there’s nothing restricting you from playing however you want so not sure where the lack of RPG mechanics complaint is coming from.

First Paragraph: How is that any different from 3 and NV, you could also max your stats in those...
Paragraph 2-4: Just plain false

Ya I don’t understand this opinion either, and there are some really hard decisions to make in this game.

I don’t understand this article or any of the comments below me.....

Its hurting it by just not being good. Let me taste those salty tears.

What about xbox one?

And traditional sports will unfortunately never die no matter how boring they are or how many people are watching because of the big 6. America sucks.

What makes an e-sport is viewership and the amont of money its brings in.

And it doesn’t even have to be about KDA, you can’t tell me you don’t get mad when people you’re playing with don’t even go after the objectives, since thats what HotS revolves around. Not going after objectives and not playing a role beneficial to your team is exactly what I’m talking about. You’re a liar if you’re

There are payed Hearthstone tournaments like every week. I don’t really understand why its so popular either since it realies so heavily on RNG, but it is what it is.

Thats not even what I said...

Well there’s playing and there’s playing. Its a competitive TEAM-BASED game, if you don’t want to play competitvely as a team then go play a single player RPG. Its the same if you were playing an MMORPG and you don’t know how to play your role, whether it be healer, tank, support, dps, if you aren’t playing your role

“Heroes of the Storm is at its best when it strikes out on its own and doesn’t try to make itself fit within the genre confined=s that League and Dota 2 have so successfully established.”
No, the game is bad, I can’t even vocally communicate with my team, no items, leveling traits have to be unlocked hahaha. I wish

If you have more deaths than kills thats what feeding is, you are essentially making the game 4 v 6 and you should be bitched at.

If you’re complainging about KDA being viewable you’re probably someone other people dont want to play with. If you’re dying more than your killing you’re essentially playing on the other team, its that simple.
I play support almost exclusively and I almost never have a negative K/D because I chose not to feed kills.

Do you know how many people play/watch hearthstone? Just look at it on Twitch.

Dota took off as an e-sport long before Steam put any effort/money into doing helping it thrive as one.

ALmost like a real competitve game