
Share your friend code, I’d be happy to party up with you and show you the ropes. My Steam name is Sinole, not at my home pc at the moment so not sure what my friend code is

This probably would have been cool if things like this were in vanilla Destiny, not 1 year and $140+ later. You don’t need to pay so much for a good gaming experience, like you know Dota 2 is free right? The best games I’ve played in the past 2 years have either been free or <$20

“sparked a really awful youtube trend”, “copycats”... video game videos like lets plays have been around for awhile, PewDiePie was just the first to have so many followers/become so popular, its not like he invented streaming games online. Even before Twitch people would post their game videos on youtube, PewDiePie

Looks like Geralt

Cash grab 2.0. No, we’ve all played that game and we aren’t buying it again. Bungie, goodnight sweet prince, you’re deal with the devil will no longer be tolerated.

Good point, I didn’t even think of that

I like how they think that Dinklage’s voice acting is a big enough problem within the game that they are going to these lengths to correct, but don’t see how awful their “story” actually is, among many other flaws within the game that have not been fixed.

Most gamers love competition, as well as strategy, MOBAs are pretty much the pinnacle of both.

On another note, I’ve been playing: Dota 2, Halo 3 and TESO. I have Witcher 3 and have barely played it for lack of time to do so.

I judge people that play Destiny in the same league as people that are into sports, you’re kind of just like a lesser person of inferior intelligence, so I assume. There are real games out there, I barely have time to play them, but I’ll shoot myself in the foot before I’d reinstall Destiny. The cash grab is real oh

Good input about the builds not being static, i see your point. I can totally see what you mean, i just kept building everyone as carry (lifesteal, attackspeed+ bonuses) but you’re right I hadn’t really been counter-picking my skills at all.

Can you tell me the name/artist of the song in the video? Thats my shiz

Naw man, there is nothing memorable about Destiny campaign. I feel like YOU’RE grasping at straws. Can’t think of a thing unless you count The Vault of Glass (Q: What did you like about Destiny? A: Ummm.. well the Vault of Glass was fun the first half-dozen times...?). The only thing I can think of as memorable at all

Bungievision was probably like “This game is already one giant joke, why do we need more?”

Cool stuff. Not really my cup of tea, I’ve played around a dozen matches, only lost 1 so far (team literally standing around doing nothing). Its not that its too easy (it is) I’m down for easy wins all day, it just lacks the same depth as other MOBAs. Without items the character builds seem very static. And I’ve seen

I’ve been thinking of Getting Starcraft II, somehow never played it, but loved Warcraft and love Dota. How would you suggest I go about getting it? Should I buy it and the expansions that are out now and preorder LOTV or should I wait till there is a bundle a can purchase for less money?

Click bait. Sweet. 10/10 would click again

Hahahaha, I haven’t played HotS yet, but was reading the comments and discovered the games usually last around 20 minutes.... and you and other people are asking for a surrender option..?

Wait wait wait, I haven’t played HotS yet, but you mean to tell me the games usually last 20 minutes, and people want a surrender option? That is hilarious. So can I safely assume this game is for casuals and is best avoided? I was looking forward to it too, oh well.

Why would you want a surrender button? People already quit games enough as it is, dont need to give them a free option to do so.