
The Division’s next big patch, 1.8.2, will be out on June 14, the developers said today in a livestream. It adds two legendary versions of missions, “reactivation caches” that contain three non-classified gear sets and “shields” which unlock things in The Division 2 but won’t be unveiled until E3 next week. Also:

*sheepishly raises hand*

This has been one of those situations where I feel totally alienated from, what appears to be, society at large.

eeeeeeh... i’ll be honest I thought that was a cosplay of Viserys Targaryen until I actually read the article.

Yeah... It’s definitely impressive in its own right, but it wouldn’t hold up on screen for a second.

Not to mention dude need to lift some weights looking like a strung out Geralt

Well, hopefully it looks a lot better. Not trying to say this isn’t brilliant and detailed, it is. It’s just that it has the obvious veneer of home made which a proper costume department and MUA could do wonders with.

That’s right folks: if you don’t bow to the genius of a straw host, you MUST be a Trump fan!

In a sane world, Colbert would be too ashamed to even bring up his 2006 WHCD performance. It was one of the most awkward, halting comedic performances I’ve ever seen. The closest equivalent I can think of is the scene in Freaks & Geeks where Samm Levine turns an impromptu puppet show into an opportunity to tell