
I just can’t shake the feeling that this should have been a standalone expansion to FC4 the way Blood Dragon was to FC3, not a full AAA priced release.

I just finished the Mad Max game a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed every minute of it, despite the fact that the endless melee fights get kind of repetitive (and the story is a bit lame until the end).

Aren’t eye tests free these days? Maybe you’re proof that they aren’t in some countries...

The point in my life where I feel so old I have absolutely no idea who this is someone change my bedpan please.

Internal reviews and testing probably made it clear this one doesn't have the legs to warrant multiple DLC additions.

I’m already bored of it after just a few hours.

Yeah too bad this DRM fucks with paying customers. All for what? A boogeyman witchhunt that offers no real evidence of having any real, consistent consequences, particularly for AAA games because it’s usually ONLY AAA games that use these forms of abusive DRM and AAA games and studios get hurt the least by piracy.

No Wonder everybody hates americans.

I’m delighted he’s broke. Delighted. I love reading the stories of the pro athletes that can’t manage money. Delightful

Of all the things to to worry about, the mental health of this egocentric wanker is not one of them...

Nobody cares about Mac gaming. Except Blizzard.

lol halo 5

I read up to the point where you hear the hero’s name....Yarny.... *cringed*. Too Generic and sounds boring.

holy shit calm down man. its just a joke. talk about overreaction

Dare I ask what Gamergate has to do with the Fine Bros?

They have gained back most of their lost viewers so now it’s just the people who overreacted continuing to play out a joke over a week old. Question which side did you take on the whole gamergater thing?

Did someone piss on your cereal this morning?

Don’t me wrong, the game looks great. But holy shit, can you make it any less obvious you’re getting paid for this comment?

I’ll keep that in mind! I don’t want to lock people out of information—this is simply a different way of presenting it.

Heh, I actually found this to be quite helpful. Any chance of this being added to your video posts on the regular?