A pretty good idea in Battlefield Hardline’s new beta: A mode in which your team captures cars instead of checkpoints—and has to drive above certain speed to earn points. Explained and shown over at Kotaku UK.
I know. I'm brilliant
A bald, shirtless guy with a crazy look on his face riding a bear.
Does that count as nudity? I've seen naked bum before on tv, I think the rule is no butthole.
I didn't know you could shoot children in Sniper Elite?
Although, I don't think there's any real merit to talking about if it is or isn't a good game. Obviously it is from the sales alone.
The PC version of GTA V might be just around the horizon, but PC gamers are still happily modding GTA IV to make it…
Despite practically being PC gaming, Steam is by no means perfect—as we've discussed on numerous occasions. But is…
Steam is looking better these days than it has for most of its lifespan, but it's still got far too much clunk in…
This is my problem. I just got a PS4 (and GTA5/Online) for black friday. I didnt start playing online until about around christmas after i finally finished story mode. It seems like it's taking me foreverrr to lvl up my online character (currently lvl 40) and that's from playing almost daily. The problem I have is the…
Waiting with baited breath for the PC release.
The first thing I thought after watching The Battle of Five Armies was "boy, that's a movie that didn't need to be…
"I was hoping after the fiasco with AC Unity being so broken upon release they'd have learned a BIT of a lesson for their DLC."
Sweet Zombie Elvis.
"omg that man has a family" that was classic.
So many skulls! So much black! So much blood! Let's imagine a world where, instead of trying to look badass, metal…
... or you could just listen to Space Truckin' by Deep Purple