South Korea's Nexon just released a trailer for its upcoming Ghost in the Shell first-person shooter. The online…
South Korea's Nexon just released a trailer for its upcoming Ghost in the Shell first-person shooter. The online…
It seems these days that a big game just can't launch without some kind of technical issue. The accepted response to…
Do you guys remember all of the game breaking glitches from super mario bros or need for speed most wanted? Me neither, because developers weren't able to just "patch" games like they can now.
I don't understand why people would preorder a game just for the sake of securing a 5% discount and maybe another ten minutes of superty-duperty exclusive gameplay. What's the rush? The extra content is going to be sold as DLC later on so the publisher can squeeze some extra dollars out of it, and the game is going to…
If a company sold a shovel that didn't dig, that company would cease to exist. Yet here we are, getting screwed launch after launch, and letting it happen.
Hello, my baby
Hello, my honey
Hello, my ragtime ga~aaaaaaal.
The 970 is the second most powerful card from nvidia right now. If youre having performance problems, nothing will run this game right with a single card.
I don't know why you guys are having a problem on ACU for PC. I run my ACU on maximum settings perfectly. I have 970, which is cheaper than 780, and i7 4770 3.4 ghz. My cousin also runs it perfectly but just on High settings. He got GTX 660 and have the same i7 CPU as mine.
Last night's episode of South Park was an ode to all things freemium, and as you might expect from the longrunning…
Yeah I think that the PC version supports up to 4k is evidence that that version will be beefy.
There's no way in hell that they'd limit PC to 30fps. Even if they were, the mod to fix this would be one of the first things out there.
This is how you re-release a game. Some developers need to step up their 'game'.
Also, fun fact: Conan is very bad at crossing the street.
Maybe try not to be so hurt by the words of comedians...
Isn't Kotaku about VIDEO GAMES ? I can't even read your website in public anymore, just in case Brian posts a stupid article like this...
I'll just wait for the eventual much better version on the PC seeing how MS already screwed the pooch and let us know there's one coming.
It's called the ANTVR Kit. It looks to be a Oculus Rift challenger. That is, should it get funded and, more…
+1 for Gene Wilder Willy Wonka
Far Cry is going to the mountains—the next game in Ubisoft's open-world shooter series will be set in the Himalayas,…
The average PC gamer won't be able to afford to put together a 4K Ultra HD capable system for at least another…