
Regardless, BF4 looks pretty darn good :D

Obviously somebody forgot to connect the XBone to the internet within the last 24 hours.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Now playing

Don't get me wrong, loved this.. but still..

Oh boy!

Now playing

Hmmm, zombies and mirror's edge inspired gameplay?
I'll take OUTLAST, thank you.

Zombies were awesome. Now they're everywhere in every. single. thing. On top of that they're also used in the most boring, generic way possible, making them about as threatening and intriguing as Edward.

As a happy-with Steam user, the only bad news around this machine that's a downgrade is the 24 hour offline limit...which is still a bummer since just them upping it to 1-2 weeks could've avoided some bad press.

Fuck you and you and you and you and you and you...

Just don't buy the PS4. If you plan on buying it at release you're spending $500 maybe even more. For that price you could build a rig that could run it no problem.

I think that what's got so many people riled is that western fiction is very often hinged upon the idea of protagonist immortality, or something near to it. You often expect a character you've spent a lot of screen- or page-time on to survive the events, or at least make it until some sort of climactic finish. Mr.

People make mistakes, most of us are just lucky they don't result in our death.

I wonder why it says "May Face Murder Charges", Its definitely First Degree Murder. He is a known gang member, why give him a lighter sentence. All gang members should be charged as terrorists in my opinion. After All, all they do is terrorize the public.

You know what drives me even more nuts? People taking pictures at concerts etc with their iPads. It is the douchiest thing ever. Plus they look incredibly stupid doing it.

Fun fact, that peaking was in System Shock 2. A game from 1999. Truly Infinity Ward and Activision are on the cutting edge of next gen technology.

Not just this. The three new additions to the movement as well. in Battlefield 3

It's not as though the British Government is much better. During the local elections, as I looked at the prospective candidates, I couldn't help but be reminded of the last paragraph of Animal Farm. It's becoming increasingly harder to spot the difference between Labour, the Tories, and the Lib-Dems. Throw in UKIP,

No, but if he does, it reminds him who he has become.

Was rocking a 5850 for so long, really good card. Overclocked it was basically a 5870 with a nice discount.