
Hopefully he kept the receipt.

Who writes this shit.

After what NZXT has been caught doing with their CAM program recently, I won’t be touching anything from this company anytime soon...

Hopefully not, as it shouldn’t matter at all. I hope they make shit loads from it too.

Yeah, I downvoted it to hell. Zero regrets.

Still looking for the NSFW ones.

If she’s happy, then why does it matter.

With not many good games coming out this Summer, it means I can go out and enjoy the Sun.

Maybe, just maybe, she had a knife.

Was expecting it to be a White guy. Huh.

Thought I’d find a comment like this here.

“Can’t survive”

Bravo on the spoiler btw...

Nice article, thank you. The best bit for me though, was all the crying in the comments.

You sir, are a buffoon.

We might even get a CEMU version in the future then.

Lol I didn’t know that, and yes that is fucking hilarious.

They can’t even finish their own game. Perhaps they should put their money into that first.

Loved the video Felix, but then I did actually watch the whole thing, instead of reacting to one part like most have.

Hating someone you’ve never met. You seem nice...