Yes but remember, you will have the option to use Mantle, or DX 11 in the graphics settings in the options section. Choices are good, and the new AMD cards are pretty sweet.
Yes but remember, you will have the option to use Mantle, or DX 11 in the graphics settings in the options section. Choices are good, and the new AMD cards are pretty sweet.
I wouldn't buy this game, but if I can play it for free I will, otherwise I wouldn't even bother looking twice at it.
Oh mate I have a 560ti 448 that's slowly dying so I'm waiting to see what Mantle can do before I get an R9 290, or wait for Maxwell in a few months time. So torn (-_-)
They said they were going to implement Mantle into the 7xxx series, so you'll benefit, but more so if you've an ageing CPU in the recent tests. I too am waiting for DDR4, I reckon this time next year, but ouch on the prices.
Buy or die? Lol, free games are free, no place for morals on the internet.
Which one? As they're going to be implementing it into older GPU's in the near-future. I'm getting an R9 290, getting my PC ready for the Oculus Rift this year.
Like the new games consoles? Zing!
Umm no.
It's going to be used for Thief.
AMD Mantle?
Ironically I'll torrent this game.
The logo and the packaging make up the $500 price tag, worth every penny...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. These are the new Razer Tincannus, but without their usual heavy packaging that we all love so much.
Oh man, I bet she'd suck it right to the hinge end.
True, but who needs anything else when you have a Snorlax :D
Make it bigger and we have a deal.
Milquetoasts need not apply.
I haven't even bought this game yet and I fucking love it!
I am so ready for VR, screw so-called "Real Life", pfft.