
What is with these Patriot TEs always hanging around at the wrong time?

People don’t read articles man, get your shit together. This is the internet, you read the title and then you comment. Fuck sake you’re embarrassing all of us now.

The other one wasn’t super impressive either, but that’s because shield dude has an incredible ability to push others around at will. He’s extremely dangerous when there’s a death fall nearby.

There is fall damage. I can’t tell you the amount of times that I jump off of a ledge to over-head kill someone, missed, and died.

there is fall damage, if you miss you’ll die.

They have but I really think Sony is under the impression that there’s nothing they can do to sell a portable. The Vita flopped with a similar marketing message the Switch is using ; play home console games on the go. We got Uncharted, Killzone, LittleBigPLanet, Wipeout and others but none of it mattered.

“No one’s ever seen a game console like this before.”

It really is bad. Lag sucks but at least you can finish the match and get your “Loot”. Then return to world map to find a new match.

What really grinds my gears is the rage quitters that end the match (because they were hosts?). Spending 5-10 mins on a match to receive nothing is ridiculous. Even kills and stuff that

As Nitpicker_Yellow said, I think the problem is less with remakes than the fact that certain companies (*coughSqueenixcough*) will tease, talk about--and sometimes deny rumors they’ve leaked themselves—of said remakes for years on end, whilst feeding their fanbase a steady trickle of tertiary merchandise (Advent

That is exactly what I’m saying, yes. It seems to happen inconsistently, though. I haven’t noticed any rhyme or reason to it. But I rotate fairly well, and when I’m in my own net I’m paying close attention to what’s happening on the far side of the court, and sometimes the car models and nametags just disappear and

... if pcars1 is any indication it’s no where near the level of other sims. In a bad way. It’s a shit sim by a sketchy developer who doesn’t seem to know how to interact with people.

Slightly Mad Studios has a lot of burnt goodwill from Project Cars 1, not holding out a lot of hope for the sequel.

Did they ever even finish fixing Project CARS 1? I was waiting for that game with bated breath and bought on day 1, but it was so horribly broken. I mean to the point where it would start you on a race facing backwards on the grid. Or you’d be on lap 40 of an enduro and then suddenly slam into an invisible wall and

It was disappointing to see Katie Nolan used only for a ridiculous Lady Gaga recap. God forbid they replace one of those mumbling, filled-with-warm-farts, retired football players who have literally never said anything of substance.

They gave up the win to stupidity. Those penalties were so ridiculously blatant, including essentially tackling the Patriot’s linemen. Also, talk about terrible clock management and calling passes instead of running down the clock and kicking a field goal to put the Falcons up by 2 scores. Atlanta gave the win to

As a Falcons fan, this will now bug me to my grave. Julio’s catch should have gone down as an incredible, game-sealing grab. We run it 3 times from there, kick the field goal, and all get to laugh about how close the Pats got

I know, fuck that article, should have had at leat a “highly disturbing” tag.

I read something like this below on a different forum, so excuse the paraphrasing.

I really dislike cockroaches, and the shared cockroach article from Gizmodo is really disturbing. :(

But yeah, lots of expectations for the Switch. I hope it would succeed the 3DS and inherit the titles such as Pokemon and Fire Emblem.

As yet another Assistant Manager at Gamestop, all of the stories and this entire thing is 100% true and anyone saying anything different is either delusional or brainwashed. In my district my DM told all the managers to effectively lie to customers. He told us to tack on game protection without letting the customer