Yeah that seems to be the major nerf. We will see how it goes.
Yeah that seems to be the major nerf. We will see how it goes.
8 bullets x 3 damage = 24
I’m referring to the minor changes did not take any time whatsoever to learn. They are very minor. They are tweaks. You are trying to make it seem like they are turning D.Va into Torbj. They are not.
She will likely only drop slightly faster. This is more of an issue with her flying in and solo’ing the back field. If she has a healer on her she can be a pain to take down even with coordinated attacks. The damage only drops by 2 overall so I doubt that will even be noticeable.
It took me all of one match to learn how to play symmetra. It’ll take me 10 seconds to figure out how to play D.VA. If you are struggling that much with this minor change then please go find a new game to play. I hate to be a dick about it but these are not wildly new concepts on how to play the character.
It’s not doom and gloom to point out poor naming practices. Xbox struggles from the same issue currently.
Considering just that small snippet makes it pretty clear his likeness was probably the base, I’d say he has a good case and reason to file the suit. That said it looks like things were changed enough that it likely won’t win him anything.
It is a disaster. Part of the issue early on and even now with the WiiU is that parents didn’t understand that the WiiU was something different from the Wii. Thankfully they did not repeat it with the Switch but don’t try to defend Nintendo on something that was a very obvious failure.
TF2 didn’t have to find a formula lol. They just dumbed it down so that those of us who had been playing TF since QWTF wouldn’t completely wreck new players. Or at least gave them intro videos to see why we were completely wrecking them.
Lol.. TF2 went through QWTF, HLTF, TF 1.5 and then TF2 and still wasn’t quite right. I remember countless patches until they decided to just turn it into a hat collector. (QWTF is still the best)
Personally I think they should get rid of this placement stuff. Just put everyone at the lowest rank and let them fight to the top. The current method is extremely flawed and makes playing with friends an absolute mess.
That’s what I noticed. It’s entirely dependent on your kills. So you are better off not playing as a team and just going for high kill streak toons.
The problem now is that it seems to be based more on who can kill the most. One of my friends never plays support or heals and he ranked the highest. I played a few different classes and was about 400 points below him. A friend that healed the entire time ranked extremely low.
Played CoD last night. Kept wishing I was playing Overwatch lol. I don’t want it to die till there is legitimately a better game.
There were quite a few at the midnight at the GameStop’s here. More than any of the other games released so far this year.
Every time some Pokémon thing is released there is a line. So it’s just being equated to standing in line at the DMV. At least that’s how I understood it.
It is pretty common. I’ve done photography for a while and people tend to always want over saturated photos. Magazines and online news don’t help. I see these “best photos of the week” roundup articles and 99.9% have vibrancy to the max and clarity to the max.
.... Look at the video it’s awful. Not an improvement and not a slight amount of shadow detail lost. I wouldn’t have even commented if it had been done tastfully. This guy’s been staring at HDR’d to hell photos all day and doesn’t know what colors are anymore.
This video is comically bad. The shadow detail is destroyed with what he has done. Try to find Black Widows belt. How about the detail of Black Panther?
Came for this :)